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Tsukasa OI edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 8 revisions

Disassembler: Make ELF priv-spec overridable


Conflicts With

Feature Description

This patchset makes disassembler option priv-spec overridable.

Current version of priv-spec requires:

  • Input ELF attributes are empty, or
  • the option matches ELF attributes.

However, there's a situation where making priv-spec overridable is useful: when a program is written for "future" privileged specification but compiled with the "current" one.

This is not hypothetical. OpenSBI is the prime example.

OpenSBI can be compiled with the RISC-V GNU Toolchain (with privileged specification version 1.11) but uses privileged specification 1.12 CSRs. However, on disassembling OpenSBI fw_*.elf, it does not allow -M priv-spec=1.12 to be specified and certain CSRs (such like pmpaddr{16..63} are not disassembled as names.

This patchset now allows -M priv-spec=1.12 to override privileged specification to disassemble.


  • Command: riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d -M priv-spec=1.12 fw_jump.elf
  • Target: fw_jump.elf from OpenSBI 1.1 (RV64)
  • Compiler/Toolchain: RISC-V GNU Toolchain 2022.06.10


Disassembly of section .text:

0000000080000000 <_fw_start>:
    80000000:   riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump: mis-matched privilege spec set by priv-spec=1.12, the elf privilege attribute is 1.11
00050433                add     s0,a0,zero
    80000004:   000584b3                add     s1,a1,zero
    80000008:   00060933                add     s2,a2,zero
    80003f84:   b0202573                csrr    a0,minstret
    80003f88:   8082                    ret
    80003f8a:   b0002573                csrr    a0,mcycle
    80003f8e:   8082                    ret
    80003f90:   3ce02573                csrr    a0,0x3ce
    80003f94:   8082                    ret
    80003f96:   32002573                csrr    a0,mcountinhibit
    80003f9a:   8082                    ret
    80003f9c:   3cd02573                csrr    a0,0x3cd
    80003fa0:   8082                    ret
    80003fa2:   3cc02573                csrr    a0,0x3cc
    80003fa6:   8082                    ret


Disassembly of section .text:

0000000080000000 <_fw_start>:
    80000000:   00050433                add     s0,a0,zero
    80000004:   000584b3                add     s1,a1,zero
    80000008:   00060933                add     s2,a2,zero
    80003f84:   b0202573                csrr    a0,minstret
    80003f88:   8082                    ret
    80003f8a:   b0002573                csrr    a0,mcycle
    80003f8e:   8082                    ret
    80003f90:   3ce02573                csrr    a0,pmpaddr30
    80003f94:   8082                    ret
    80003f96:   32002573                csrr    a0,mcountinhibit
    80003f9a:   8082                    ret
    80003f9c:   3cd02573                csrr    a0,pmpaddr29
    80003fa0:   8082                    ret
    80003fa2:   3cc02573                csrr    a0,pmpaddr28
    80003fa6:   8082                    ret
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