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List of distributions

Martin Molina edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 28 revisions
Distribution Release date Main features Requirements
Version 4.0 Auster Distribution July 2020 New robot behaviors (e.g., MPC motion control, improved PID controllers, new EKF localization) and new example projects (e.g., airplane inspection, Tello drone). Agile installation of projects using Docker and apt-get. Flexible execution control system with meta-control. Improved GUI. Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic
Version 3.0 Sirocco Distribution July 2019 PDF wiki BSD license. New behaviors (e.g., navigation based on lidar and occupancy grids). Efficient execution control system. Modular graphical user interface. Installation of Aerostack using projects. Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic
Version 2.1 Levant Distribution February 2018 PDF wiki Improvements and extensions of graphical user interface (e.g., new control panel, first person view) and new behaviors Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic
Version 2.0 Levant Distribution October 2017 PDF wiki Behavior-based execution system, graphical user interface (GUI) for environment maps and mission plans, Python API for mission plans, Memory of beliefs Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic
Version 1.0 Gregale Distribution June 2016 PDF wiki Aerial robot library of software components (perception, control, planning, etc.), TML language for mission plan specification, human machine interface (HMI) for user-robot interaction. Ubuntu 14.04, ROS Jade
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