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Edit modules of an Aerostack project

Martin Molina edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page describes the required steps to modify the modules of an Aerostack project.

  • Download the installation script file:

      $ git clone ~/temp
  • Execute the following script to edit the modules of a project called "my_project" (another project name can be used):

      $ ~/temp/ projects/my_project
  • If the folder projects/my_project does not exist, this script will ask for confirmation to create it with the following message:

      The project "projects/my_project" does not exist in Aerostack. Do you want to create it? (y/n)
  • Then, a window is presented to select Aerostack modules for this project. The next image shows an example of this window.

Some modules can be added or removed by selecting or de-selecting them.

Once the modules have been selected and this window is closed, the required Aerostack modules for the project are downloaded and compiled.

This application also generates the file $AEROSTACK_STACK/projects/my_project/project_modules.txt which includes the list of modules of the project. For example, the module related to PID control is expressed in the following way:

    [submodule "stack/motor_system/quadrotor_pid_controller"]
       path = stack/motor_system/quadrotor_pid_controller
       url =

Configure the project to use a particular commit of a module

If you want to use a particular branch or commit of a module (instead of using the last commit) you can edit the file project_modules.txt and add a line with the specific head point using the word "HEAD". For example, with the following lines, the selected commit is 825c59c:

    [submodule "stack/motor_system/quadrotor_pid_controller"]
       path = stack/motor_system/quadrotor_pid_controller
       url =
       HEAD = 825c59c
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