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Install from source code

Davide Iafrate edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 8 revisions

How to download Aerostack from source code

This installation method downloads the source code of Aerostack and builds the modules in your computer. This installation method is especially appropriate for software developers who want to make changes of Aerostack components.

Hardware and software requirements

To install Aerostack, you need to meet these requirements:

  • 2 GB of free disk space.
  • (Good) internet connection.
  • Linux Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic or Linux Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.
  • The code requires a compiler that is compatible with the C++11 standard.

Installation method (full version)

This method downloads and builds all the components of Aerostack. This is installation method may be slow in your computer because it requires the compilation of all the components. For example, the compilation of all the components may take 15 minutes in a regular computer.

  • Download the installation script file:

      $ git clone ~/temp
  • Execute the installation script:

      $ ~/temp/
  • Re-open the terminal and the Aerostack is ready to be used.

Update Aerostack

In order to update Aerostack, execute the following commands:

    $ git pull origin master 
    $ git submodule sync
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ cd $AEROSTACK_STACK/installation && ./

Installation method (specific project)

This method is appropriate to download an Aerostack project. The installation method only downloads the Aerostack modules that are needed for a project. This installation option is quicker that the full installation because it avoids downloading and compiling Aerostack modules that are not required for the project.

The user has to provide the name of an existing project. Some examples of Aerostack projects can be found in the following link:

Installation procedure:

  • Download the installation files:

      $ git clone ~/temp
  • Run the following installation script to install the specific project called my_project (IMPORTANT: Instead of my_project you should use the name of any of the projects located in the folder $AEROSTACK_STACK/projects):

      $ ~/temp/ projects/my_project
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