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Martin Molina edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 65 revisions


Latest news:

We are pleased to announce the release of Aerostack Version 3.0 Distribution Sirocco, which has been developed with funding provided by the European Project ROSIN. Compared to previous versions, it includes the following main features:

  • Standard methods: Components of Aerostack have been updated to use standard ROS message types. Aerostack has been also updated to operate with ROS Melodic Morenia and Ubuntu 18.04.

  • New license and improved portability: The software license of Aerostack has been changed to BSD-3. The installation method has also been improved using projects that install subsets of Aerostack packages.

  • Improved efficiency: The performance efficiency and maintainability of the executive system has been improved with a more efficient design. The graphical user interface has been divided into separate more efficient and simpler ROS nodes.

  • New capabilities for navigation and communication: New behaviors for positioning and navigation based on lidar sensors have been developed reusing existing ROS packages, and Aerostack has been extended to operate with Gazebo simulator (RotorS). New behaviors have been developed for communication between the robot and the operator and between the robot and other robots.

  • Learning documentation: New test scenarios with increasing complexity have been developed. These scenarios have used to create new learning documentation to facilitate the use of Aerostack.


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