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Sprint 1

Raymond K edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 15 revisions


What is the problem space and how did you address it?

  • Finding the correct users for testing. Found that it was difficult to find depressed people and how to identify them if they were. Concluded to only test people who use social media

  • How this application is going to collaborate with mental therapists to treat users. Research on the potential effectiveness of this application was done to figure out on pursuing this concept or not

  • Layout/user interface of the application and which features to include


  • Decided to make a prototype to grasp an idea of how the application is going to look like. This was done by drawing out the interface on paper and designing a prototype on Adobe XD.

Tasks performed:


In this sprint, we have created a prototype and conducted a stand up to assess our progress and future goals. Our team is still unsure about how the application is going to turn out. However, through discussion of the prototype and the stand-up, we have a better knowledge on what to try to achieve next for the next sprint. This includes finding the right users to test the prototype and asking critical questions. We have also allocated the future tasks according to each team member's strengths.

Future goals

  • Complete user testing plan
  • Find users and test to receive user feedback
  • Create higher fidelity prototype using the feedback given