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Prototype 2

Sheryl-shen edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 13 revisions

Prototype made on Adobe XD


After evaluating the research and the interview results, our team decided to go with the second design method mentioned in the Interview result. Thus, we includes several core function in our prototype and planned to test on our proxy users.

Share diaries

The app allows users to create a 'Room' to write their diaries between friends and families. Once the user clicks on the 'Room', the previous journals will show up, and they can add new journal by clicking the bottom bar.


Insert journal

There are several types of journal framework that the users can choose from, including daily routine, general journal, challenge and social media reflection. Daily routine allows people to store their habits with specific topic, general journal stores general diaries and images of a day, challenge is the page where users can set their own goals and set the day of challenge, whereas social media reflection is the core feature of the app, where the users can upload screenshots about social media and express themselves with the leading questions. In every page, the users can choose about the mood when writing the diary.

Daily routine


General journal


15 days challenge


Social media reflection



The users can upload posts on the anonymous forum to share their experiences to others. The users can attach their previous entries such as 15-days exercise challenge to share their journeys of the challenge.


Mental health support group information

The users can browse the support society nearby the users. The page provide users the phone number and the latest events of the organisation. The page offers users more opportunity to seek help and participant in the community.
