Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Library in C++ SimpleCNN is a C++ library for building and training convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with ease. It provides a simple interface to create and train CNN models for various tasks, such as image classification.
- C++ compiler
- OpenCV library (Optional); Only for reading data.
Clone the SimpleCNN repository to your local machine:
git clone
Build the library using your preferred C++ build system Include the necessary headers and link against the SimpleCNN library in your C++ project.
Here's a simple example of how to use SimpleCNN to create and train a CNN model for image classification:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define _CUDA_GPU_ // // Enable GPU usage.
#include "SimpleCNN.h"
#ifdef _CUDA_GPU_
#include "kernel.cuh"
#endif //__CUDACC__
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
using namespace img_read;
using namespace cnn;
int main(void) {
// Initialize data and labels
Directory* dirent = new Directory("path/to/image/folder", img_read::FILENAME_EXTENSION::JPG);
FileRead* label = new FileRead("path/to/label/file.csv");
// Create a CNN model
CNN* cnn = new CNN(dirent->getImageSet(), label->getLabel());
// Add layers to the model
cnn->add(new Conv(3, 3, 1, 1, ACTIVATION::TanH));
cnn->add(new Pooling(POOLING::Max));
cnn->add(new Padding(1));
cnn->add(new Conv(3, 3, 1, 1, ACTIVATION::ReLU));
cnn->add(new Pooling(POOLING::Average));
cnn->add(new Padding(1));
cnn->add(new Pooling(POOLING::Min));
cnn->add(new Flatten());
cnn->add(new FullyConnected(256, ACTIVATION::Maxout));
cnn->add(new FullyConnected(128, ACTIVATION::Sigmoid));
cnn->add(new FullyConnected(64, ACTIVATION::ReLU));
cnn->add(new FullyConnected(10, ACTIVATION::Softmax));
// Add more layers as needed
// Compile the model
cnn->compile(OPTIMIZER::Mini_SGD, LOSS::CategoricalCrossentropy);
// Train the model
cnn->fit(epochs, batch_size);
// Make predictions
cnn->predict(image, true_label);
return 0;
Please replace "path/to/image/folder" and "path/to/label/file.csv" with the actual paths to your image dataset and label file.