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Joe Goett edited this page Jul 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Spawn limits are a way to limit when entities are able to spawn, such as a maximum number allowed or disabled completely. Spawn limits usually have a filter to go along with them so they only effects very certain entities spawning.

This allows keeping things like mob farms and grinders under control by limiting the number of entities allowed within a chunk. It can also be used to keep destructive mobs out of some dimensions, like keeping Ghasts out of the overworld.

Spawn Limits are typically stored as JSON objects, as shown by the examples below.


Disables spawning completely

Value - None


  "type": "Disabled"


Limits based on number of entities in the server

Value - Maximum allowed


  "type": "ServerCount",
  "value": 50


Limits based on number of entities in the world

Value - Maximum allowed


  "type": "WorldCount",
  "value": 50


Limits based on number of entities in the chunk range

Value - Object holding the limit and the range Range is the number of chunks from the chunk the entity is standing. 0 means only that chunk, 1 means a 3x3 area centered around the entity, etc


  "type": "ChunkCount",
  "value": {
    "limit": 5,
    "range": 1
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