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Joe Goett edited this page Jul 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Spawn Limiter Config

The config is a JSON file, config/aPerf/entity/spawnLimits.json

The root JSON element MUST be an array. Each item in the array is a separate limit.

A limit is a JSON object. Each limit must have a type. Optionally it can have a value and a filter. The value depends on the type of limit you have.

An example configuration is given below.

    "type": "Disabled",
    "filter": {
      "type": "Name",
      "value": "Pig"
  	"type": "ServerCount",
  	"value": 10,
  	"filter": {
  		"type": "Name",
  		"value": "Zombie"
  	"type": "Disable",
  	"filter": {
  		"type": "Multi",
  		"value": [
  			"type": "Name",
  			"value": "Pigman"
  			"type": "Dimension",
  			"value": [0, 1]
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