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Joe Goett edited this page Aug 20, 2015 · 1 revision


This is a Work In Progress!


  1. Anything surrounded by < and > is required argument
  2. Anything surrounded by [ and ] is an optional argument

Base Commands

Command Aliases Permission
/aperf <command> ap aperf.cmd
/aperf help ?

Module Commands

Command Aliases Permission
/aperf module m aperf.cmd.module
/aperf module list l aperf.cmd.module.list
/aperf module toggle <module> [enable] t aperf.cmd.module.toggle

Entity Commands

Command Aliases Permission
/aperf entity <command> e aperf.cmd.module.entity
/aperf entity list [group] [filter] [limit] l aperf.cmd.module.entity.list
/aperf entity listaround <radius> [group] [filter] [limit] la aperf.cmd.module.entity.listaround
/aperf entity listnearhere <radius> [group] [filter] [limit] lnh aperf.cmd.module.entity.listnearhere
/aperf entity listhere [group] [filter] [limit] lh aperf.cmd.module.entity.listhere

Spawn Limit Commands

Command Aliases Permission
/aperf entity spawn <command> s aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn
/aperf entity spawn list l aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.list
/aperf entity spawn toggle <id> [enable] t, enable aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.toggle
/aperf entity spawn create <type> <options> c aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.create
/aperf entity spawn remove <id> r, rm aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.remove
/aperf entity spawn edit <id> e aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.edit
/aperf entity spawn save s
/aperf entity spawn discard d aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.discard

Spawn Limit Filter Commands

Command Aliases Permission
/aperf entity spawn filter f aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.filter
/aperf entity spawn filter add <type> <options> a aperf.cmd.module.entity.spawn.filter.add