Releases: FenPhoenix/AngelLoader
010 tdm beta 10
Auto-update finished difficulty when an FM is finished in-game.
If AngelLoader doesn't have a last-played date already, it will pull it from TDM's database. But if it has its own, it will use that, because it's more granular (TDM's only goes down to the day).
Sorting for the Archive column for TDM FMs now works correctly.
"Play Without FM" for TDM now deselects any selected FM before running it. Don't know, just seemed cleaner. Think of a like a roundabout "download missions" button where you can go in-game with no FM and download some, I dunno.
Added support for detecting in-place updated FMs, but only scan on next startup due to race condition with the pk4
Removed support for auto-refreshing on pk4 add, because the game adds pk4s individually to the fms dir before moving them to their own dirs, and we were trying to scan with each one (and failing due to locks and such)
Features and improvements:
- Added support for Sneaky Upgrade 1.1.11+ portable install scenario, in which SneakyOptions.ini can now be located inside the game folder rather than at a location specified in a registry key.
- When the scanner detects multiple titles for an FM and the main title is an acronym or multiple words smushed together, it will now try to choose one that's fully written out. Notably fixes Deceptive Perception 2 having its main title be "DP2: Phantasmagoria" making it hard to search for. Where The Unknown Lurks will now not be "TMA20AC_WheretheUnknownLurks" etc.
- The Mods tab is now more efficient, and loads its data a bit quicker.
- Greatly reduced memory allocation pressure during zip file operations (FM install, FM cache, FM backup/restore) and FM audio conversion.
- Improved performance of rtf parsers.
- Fixed 7z scans would fail if there were any 0-length readme files in the archive.
- Fixed race condition on startup with showing the Thief 2 Multiplayer button when in multi-button mode for Play Without FM.
- Fixed horizontal dividers in Settings window were not drawn in Classic visual mode.
- Added missing handling for font entries with negative ids in the rtf parser.
- On the Mods tab, mods that exist inside zip/crf files were not displayed if their paths began with .\ or ..\ (relative "this directory" or "parent directory" markers).
- On the Mods tab, the Enable and Disable buttons didn't expand to fit longer text.
- In the Import windows for FMSel and NewDarkLoader, the OK and Cancel buttons resized to the right (off-window) instead of to the left.
- In the original game settings/mods window, the OK and Cancel buttons didn't expand to fit longer text.
- Logging now won't duplicate exception information in the log file.
Features and improvements:
- Finished FM count is now shown with the FM stats in the bottom-right.
- Fixed the FM stats (on the bottom-right-hand side) were updated while the FMs list was potentially still being populated, sometimes causing it to say "0 FMs available" or some other wrong number on startup.
- Fixed visual glitch where in certain circumstances, showing a previously hidden UI element would result in it being almost completely covered with the background color.
- Fixed FMSel comment ("Notes") import didn't unescape all possible escaped chars (tab, double-quote, backslash).
- With fuzzy-search enabled, if the first matched FM was filtered out, the selection would default to the top of the list and not to the first visible matched FM.
Features and improvements:
-Readmes are re-cached and reloaded when scanning individual FMs.
-Small performance increase in 7z scanning, and scanning in general.
-Some heavy rtf readmes should now load a little quicker in dark mode.
-Fixed a bug that caused Cyrillic encoding detection in plaintext readmes to frequently fail.
-Fixed: Two known FMs (The Mirror and Upside Down) have rtf readmes with Cyrillic characters that were not displayed correctly.
Features and improvements:
- Greatly improved accuracy of release date detection in the scanner.
- You can now right-click anywhere on the FM details tab bar to bring up the tab show/hide menu. Hopefully this is a little more intuitive/discoverable.
- Fixed if there was one FM selected, you could ctrl-click it (or ctrl-shift-click it) to deselect it, putting the app into an unexpected state. There is always supposed to be at least one FM selected whenever there are any FMs displayed in the list.
- Fixed a nasty bug in the scanner: The flag for "this folder-on-disk FM is an extracted .7z file" was never reset between FMs in a multi-FM scan. This meant that once a .7z FM had been scanned, any subsequent folder-on-disk-only FMs (installed FMs with no matching archives) would be incorrectly assumed to be extracted .7z FMs, and thus would fail to be scanned and would be filled out with default data.
Features and improvements:
- Fully automated Thief Buddy integration. Simply install Thief Buddy and AngelLoader will instantly pick it up and be ready to use it. AngelLoader can run it automatically whenever you play an FM, passing it what it needs with no extra clicks from you. You can set it to always run, to ask every time, or to never run. Requires Thief Buddy v1.2 or above.
- When viewing the Mods tab with "Show important mods" enabled, and there was more than one "important" mod displayed, the displayed order of the "important" mods would be reversed from previous every time a new FM of the same game was selected.
- Mods in the form of files rather than directories (zip, crf, etc.) should also count as existing on disk.
- If the Edit FM tab is not yet loaded, and you have multiple FMs selected, then you load the Edit FM tab, all selected FMs' ratings would become the rating of the first selected one.
Features and improvements:
- In the Mods tab, only the mods that actually exist on disk will now be shown. Previously, all mods defined in cam_mod.ini were shown, whether they existed on disk or not.
- Added optional fuzzy matching for title and author filters. It can be enabled in Settings -> Other -> Filtering.
- Last Played column now sorts in descending order on first click. My argument about that being "inconsistent" was stupid, as descending is what you'd want in the common case so let's just have it already.
- Selected FM count and available FM count are now displayed on the bottom bar.
- When selecting multiple FMs, the FM details area message will now state how many FMs are selected, rather than just stating that "multiple" are selected.
- You can now hide the Web Search button, in Settings -> Appearance -> Show or hide interface elements.
Greatly reduced startup time:
- Tweaked the splash screen to make it even more lightweight and show up faster.
- RTF readmes will now load a little quicker on startup.
- Most parts of the UI will now remain unloaded until shown. So if you like to keep a minimal UI, your startup time will benefit. Even if you don't, you'll still notice a healthy speed increase.
Better error messages:
- If you try to play an FM that has no missflag.str AND no validly-named .mis files exist for which to generate it, an error message is now shown explaining the situation.
- Error icons and messages will now be shown for several more failure scenarios (hopefully you never see them, of course!).
- It was possible (if you purposely tried really hard) to have duplicate entries in the FM archive paths list.
- The Comment textbox would lose its text selection on mousewheel scroll.
- When scanning GLML readmes, the scanner will now properly read non-ASCII characters.
- For Thief 3 FMs, the Mods tab is now disabled with a message stating that mod management is not supported for Thief 3. In fact it has never worked for Thief 3, but AngelLoader didn't disable the functionality in that case, thus giving the false impression that it would work.
- In dark mode, the Languages dropdown box would flicker white when moving between Thief 3 FMs, or between "no FM selected" and "one FM selected".