Releases: FenPhoenix/AngelLoader
Releases · FenPhoenix/AngelLoader
- Fix finished-on state auto-update was unreliable
- Slighty improve scanner title/author detect
- Fixed undisposed http request, so that all subsequent ones would fail
- Selected TDM FM was not updated on refresh from disk.
- Selected TDM FM was not updated if the FM was deselected in-game.
- An optimization was broken which caused a refresh from disk even when unnecessary.
- We no longer pass the FM as an argument to the game, but rather simply write it out to currentfm.txt. This avoids an issue where if you pass an FM as an argument to the game (+set fs_currentfm some_fm), then you deselect the FM or select another one, upon game restart it will re-select the FM you initially passed, thus effectively preventing any change of selection unless you quit and start again manually.
- TDM FM Scanner now uses a hybrid of local and server data for more accuracy. Titles, authors, and release dates improve.
- AngelLoader will auto-refresh its FMs list when new pk4 FMs are added manually.
- Localization packs (*_l10n.pk4) in the fms directory are now ignored: the game moves these to their appropriate folders on next start.
- There are now separate web search URLs per game, using sensible defaults (TTLG for Thief games, for SS2, and for TDM)
- Support TDM FMs as pk4s. This will be the case if a user downloads an FM manually following the instructions on . The game will move the FM into a folder on startup, but a user may well place the pk4, go into AngelLoader and and expect to be able to see it/play it right there, so we need to support this.
- Fixed FMs list was sorted BEFORE new FM scan, causing them not to be sorted by their newly scanned titles necessarily.
- Proper spacing in the Paths tab again
- When TDM downloads a new FM, AngelLoader will now auto-refresh its own list to keep sync.
- Fix missing DateAdded detection for TDM FMs
- Revert to [FM] header for all FMs (including TDM) in FMData.ini, as it turns out with a slight code restructuring we can get rid of the need for [TDMFM] headers. If you used beta 1, your TDM FMs' data will be lost (only the TDM ones, the other FMs' data will stay) and their data in FMData.ini will be regenerated and they will be rescanned. Sorry about that, but better to fix things early.
First beta with Dark Mod support.
Missing things:
- You can't delete Dark Mod FMs from disk (but you can delete them from the database if you've already manually deleted from disk).
- TDM stores the last played date (down to the day only) and finished-on difficulty. We don't pull this data in automatically at the moment - you still have to set the finished-on difficulty manually, and the last played time gets set immediately upon game exe start, like all the other supported games.
- No mission downloading or updating or anything of the sort. You still have to go in-game for that.
- No mods tab - I understand there are mods for the game but I haven't looked into how you would use them and if it's possible / makes sense to support them on the mods tab.
- Certain terms may not be final - "Select / Deselect" may be confusing or uninformative
What you do get:
- Comments and tags
- Autodetected titles/authors/release date/size/mission count
- The full AngelLoader experience for sorting/searching/viewing your FM collection, works basically just like the other games
- Autodetects whenever the "selected" FM changes, so if you go and change FMs in-game AngelLoader will update its "selected" FM too