Releases: FenPhoenix/AngelLoader
-Attempt to fix possible readme zoom issue
-Re-sort list in appropriate places
-Fix filter bar scroll buttons weren't set on form resize
-Add "Refresh from disk" button
-Fixed NewDarkLoader's ".fix" folder was sometimes not being ignored in the archive dir search when "Include subfolders" was enabled
Quality-of-life improvements:
-Auto select a sensible folder when you click a browse button
-Added autodetecting of other loaders' ini file locations for importing
-Added safe (non-spoiler) readme autodetect, so most of the time you won't have to manually select one the first time anymore
-Improved speed of FM scan pre-check when "include subfolders" is enabled
-Fixed a couple places where the progress box might not close if there was an error
-Fixed: If FM archive isn't found, skip the differential backup
-Fixed: Occasionally, web search would fail for valid URLs
-Improved startup time
-Improvements to keyboard zooming
-.dml patching is disabled for Thief 3
-Readme box fixes:
- Images are now always displayed
- Horizontal lines in GLML readmes are no longer subject to glitchiness at the right side
- Transparent images are displayed correctly
- Links are clickable
- Zoom is clamped to a reasonable lower and upper bound
-Fix a couple potential issues with differential backups
First public release yo. Nothing to note yet.