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Releases: FenPhoenix/AngelLoader


12 Mar 01:55
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  • Fixed regression: In dark mode, the FM tabs' menus and other dropdowns were still light themed.
  • Fixed: When the UI was disabled (eg. while scanning), and Follow System Theme was selected and the system theme changed from light to dark, the readme would get into a state where it was disabled and light themed, and would stay disabled permanently.


09 Mar 08:22
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Features and improvements:

  • Added a screenshot tab. If an FM is installed and has screenshots, you can view them, change their gamma, and copy them to the clipboard (in gamma-changed form).
  • Tabs can now be displayed at the top-right, bottom-right, or both. This is to allow better use of screen space in this era of widescreen and ultra-widescreen monitors.
  • Added tooltips for audio conversion settings checkboxes.


  • Dialog boxes were sometimes returning an "OK" result when closed by clicking their window's X button or by pressing Escape. They now return "Cancel" in this case.
  • Scanner error log message might say "fm is 7z" when it was actually rar.
  • Fixed a longstanding edge case when dragging tabs to change their order, if you dragged really fast it could sometimes mess up the tab order.


06 Feb 09:46
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Features and improvements:

  • Added in-app updater. You will be asked once if you want to enable checking for updates on startup. If update checking is enabled and an update is available, a button will appear in the top bar. If you disable update checking on startup, you can still check manually through the main menu.
  • Tooltips with lengthy text now stick around longer (as long as Windows allows, about 32 seconds).


  • When the path to AngelLoader contained non-ASCII characters, the game would be unable to load the stub, causing FMs not to load and possibly other issues.
  • Tab control scroll buttons are now themed correctly in dark mode.
  • When closing the app when the readme is fullscreen, the FMs list position is now also no longer lost.
  • Fixed a crash when the readme was fullscreened and the FMs list was refreshed.


11 Jan 19:59
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Features and improvements:

  • Added option to follow the system light/dark theme, and made it the default for new installs.
  • In dark mode, window title bars will now be themed dark when not focused instead of blinding white.
  • Added an alert message if AngelLoader doesn't have write access to the game directory, such as when it's in Program Files.


  • On first run, you will be given the option to import right away.
  • The import system has been completely overhauled. Many edge cases have been fixed, and reliability has been improved.
  • Rewrote the merging logic, greatly reducing the chance of an imported FM not being able to be matched up with its existing counterpart in the main list.
  • A backup of FMData.ini will now be made before importing.
  • DarkLoader import:
    • Performance improvement.
    • DarkLoader.ini is now read with the correct character encoding.
  • FMSel import:
    • Archives in subfolders are now merged into the list properly.
  • NewDarkLoader import:
    • NewDarkLoader.ini is now read with the correct character encoding.
    • Import now supports the multiple archive directory feature in newer NDL versions.


  • When entering and exiting readme fullscreen mode, the FMs list scroll position will no longer be lost.
  • Fixed missing separator above "Delete" in the FM context menu.


23 Dec 12:03
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Features and improvements:

-Improved title detector. It now detects "A Keeper of the Prophecies" instead of "KotP Campaign".


-NewDarkLoader import now caches its FM archive file list, increasing performance for large FM archive dirs, or FM archive dirs with many subfolders.


-Fixed several misbehaviors of the Mods tab when scrolled:
-If the mods list was scrolled any amount and then another FM was selected, the mods checkboxes would be positioned incorrectly
-The red background behind the important mods was not properly positioned when scrolled vertically
-The red background was also not drawn correctly when scrolled horizontally
-Fixed: The installed ("selected") TDM FM would lose its installed state after settings OK click (in certain instances) and after import.
-After years of pondering why the theme change in the Settings window was so slow, I figured it out: it was doing the theme change twice in a row. Fixed.


03 Dec 00:33
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  • Add support for RAR archives. This matches FMSel and NewDarkLoader's capabilities.


31 Oct 11:53
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Features and improvements:

  • Added support for The Dark Mod. As part of this:

    • Backup path is now only required if you've specified at least one game that uses it. The Dark Mod doesn't use it; all other games do.
    • For Dark Mod FMs, the "installed" icon means that the FM is TDM's "selected" one (the one that loads up when you start the game), and only one Dark Mod FM at a time can be so marked. Thus, for Dark Mod FMs, "Install FM" / "Uninstall FM" becomes "Select FM" / "Deselect FM". The "selected" FM is also kept in sync with the game, if you happen to select a different one there.
    • The FMs list is automatically refreshed whenever you download a new FM in-game.
    • For The Dark Mod only, the finished-on difficulty will be automatically updated when you finish an FM; there is no need to set it manually.
    • Dark Mod FM scans use a mix of local data and data pulled from The Dark Mod's server. This allows for more accuracy than would be possible with a local-only scan. If it can't connect to the TDM server, it falls back to a local-only scan.
  • If the backup path is not specified or doesn't exist, the DarkLoader Import window will now disable the Import Saves checkbox and provide an option to set the backup path.

  • Improved the scanner's non-acronym title selector even more.

  • Improved the scanner's cleanup of titles/authors a bit.

  • In Settings -> Appearance -> Show or hide interface elements, the "Hide" checkboxes are now "Show" checkboxes. This removes a double negative type thing and makes it more straightforward.

  • Each game now has its own customizable web search URL, with sensible defaults.

  • Web Search option is now disabled for unknown/unsupported FMs. The option didn't do anything for these FMs anyway, so this just makes that clear.


  • Greatly improved rtf parser performance.


  • If there were new FMs to be scanned on startup, the list would be sorted BEFORE the scan, meaning if the scanner gave the FMs titles that didn't sort the same as their placeholder archive name based titles, the list would not be correctly sorted until the user chose to sort it again. This bug had been in there literally forever. :(
  • Fixed encoding detection for "Nightwalk" and "Troubling Transitions" readmes.
  • In the Settings window, if a setting was changed that required a view refresh (game paths etc.), the filters would lose their state after the refresh.
  • If an FM with an unknown or unsupported game type is selected, the messages in the tab area now no longer refer to Thief 3 ("Mod management is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows").


29 Oct 15:31
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tdm_beta_14 Pre-release
  • Matching game behavior on a bunch of subtler points. None of the below scenarios are likely to occur, but it's best to be able to handle them.
    • TDM auto-converts FM file names to a valid form (lowercase, replacing disallowed chars with underscores, etc.). AngelLoader is now able to match non-converted FM names to their converted counterparts, so it knows for example "BaKerY;job.pk4" is the FM "bakery_job".
    • TDM doesn't care what the pk4 inside an fm's folder is called. So "C:\darkmod\fms\bakery_job\bakery_job.pk4" will load just as well as "C:\darkmod\fms\bakery_job\totally_different_name.pk4". AngelLoader is now aware of this during scans and will not require the in-fm-folder pk4's name to match the FM's.
    • TDM supports compressed FMs with the .zip extension as well as .pk4 when the FM is in the base FMs dir (hasn't been moved yet). AngelLoader is now aware of this, and of the priority order of the two extensions, and will choose the correct file when scanning/loading.
  • In Settings -> Paths, the Backup Path area has been polished a bit.
  • In Settings -> Appearance -> Show or hide interface elements, the checkboxes are now "Show" instead of "Hide", to be more straightforward.
  • When scanning, the progress box will now show a message that it's getting TDM FM data from the server if it's doing so, rather than the more generic "preparing scan" message.


27 Oct 16:55
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tdm_beta_13 Pre-release
  • More robust TDM file reading attempts: we now try until we can access them or until a 5 second timeout
  • If a TDM file is not found at all, we now continue immediately and don't wait the 5 seconds
  • Rework auto-refresh system to be simpler and more robust:
    • Refreshes run completely on the UI thread now
    • Refreshes happen immediately or not at all; no more deferred refreshes
    • Refreshes are not allowed when the main window is blocked or disabled (mostly if a progress box is up)
    • If a dialog window is open (Settings, About, etc.) then a "lightweight" refresh (UI update only) is allowed, but a "heavyweight" refresh (FM list reload, possible scan and/or readme cache update) is not.
  • Remove installed status from unavailable TDM FMs (those not found on disk)
  • Gracefully handle scenarios where some or all watched TDM files or directories may not exist (clean install, partially broken install etc.)
  • Ignore empty or invalid FM dirs (dirs with no pk4 files in them; TDM clean installs may add an empty "saintlucia" folder for example)


24 Oct 18:59
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tdm_beta_12 Pre-release
  • The DarkLoader Import window will now disable the Import Saves checkbox if no backup path has been specified, and shows a link to go to the Settings window where you can specify a backup path.
  • In the Settings window, if a setting was changed that required a view refresh (game paths etc.), the filters would lose their state after the refresh.
  • Dark Mod FM scans now show a progress box with a cancel button, because it's theoretically possible for the server data download to take some unboundedly large amount of time (highly unlikely, but covering the edge cases).
  • Title filter searches now also search TDM "archive" names, same as for the other games.
  • Fixed: the first "refresh from disk" trigger from TDM would be ignored, due to spurious refreshes being queued on startup and then never run, thus not having the refresh level value reset.