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Yusuke SETO edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 54 revisions

Brief introduction

  • ReciPro is MIT-licensed free software that provides a variety of crystallographic calculations and electron microscopy simulations.
  • ReciPro has been downloaded more than 10,000 times in total since its release on github (Mar 2020) and is used by many crystallographers and electron microscopists.


Very brief tutorial

  1. Install and run ReciPro
  1. Select a crystal.
  • ReciPro automatically reads a crystal database at the startup.
  • The database contains initially ~80 crystals after installation. If you modify the database, it is automatically saved when closing.
  • You can import a crystal from the CIF file, or through the software "CSManager".
  1. Call functions e.g.,
  • "Symmetry information" provides information of space groups.
  • "Scattering factor" provides a sorted list of crystal planes and their scattering factors.
  • "Structure Viewer" draws the three-dimensional structure.
  • "Stereonet" draws the directions of zone axes/crystal planes on stereonet.
  • "Crystal Diffraction" simulates the diffraction pattern.
  1. Rotate crystal.
  • Crystal orientation can be rotated by mouse operation.
  • Specific zone axes/crystal planes can be set by the input of uvw/hkl indices.