Releases: richonguzman/LoRa_APRS_iGate
Releases · richonguzman/LoRa_APRS_iGate
- Heltec Wireless Paper finally with Epaper Screen working.
New Objects Tx Rules: same object can't be transmitted sooner than 10min into LoRa RF.
Telemetry Packets will be sended just before second beacon to allow first beacon be delivered if Batter Voltage is low.
Boards with GPS:
- GPS number of Satellites will be shown in Screen when GPS is enabled and used.
- Wx Height Correction will be calculated from GPS altitude when GPS is enabled and used.
- T-DECK PLUS (and also DIY version with GPS) support added
- Avoid Tx to RF/LoRa definitions parameters of Telemetry heard from APRS-IS
- "new version " of HELTEC V3 (V3.2) Support Added
- new TROY_LoRa_APRS board added
- GMT corrections with 15min offset (yes there are places with this!)
- Beacon process fix to be used as igate, digi, mixed, non, tnc, etc... etc...
- Black List added to block certain stations/callsigns to go through iGate/Digipeater.
- Digi EcoMode fixed as it had problems exiting ecoMode through message/query.
- On 2.1.3 update a new APRS IS connection and Passcode verification was added, but I forgot to enable another part which blocked Digi to send its own GPS beacon. Now fixed
- Finally APRS PASSCODE Verification Warning (sorry for the big delay)
- RadioLib 7.1.0 Update
- Include Header Changes
- Syslog Default Server added.
Two New Boards:
- XIAO ESP32S3 + WIO SX1262
- Waveshare RP2040 LoRa (as Digipeater)