Releases: richonguzman/LoRa_APRS_iGate
Releases · richonguzman/LoRa_APRS_iGate
- Variants Implementation (faster to add new boards).
- Many small fixes and code cleaning
- LILYGO Lora32 T3S3 support added.
- QRP Labs LightGateway 1.0 support added.
- Preparing for Variants usage (platformio.ini cleaning).
- Boards with GPS can now send Real-GPS Beacon (also posible: GPS ambiguity of ~ 1 km).
- Received Packets in WebUI show real Local Time (NTP with GMT offset).
- New EcoMode for Remote Digirepeaters without WiFi/WiFiAP, Screen, Leds (Example: LILYGO LoRa32 uses only 24mA, with WifiAP and all was 150mA). APRS Message/Queries can start/stop this mode too.
- Cross Frequency Digirepeater Rules improved.
- Release Version Number Update changed to show that it has WebFlasher/Installer.
- Added Wemos S2 Mini DIY LoRa board.
- Added ESP32 DIY with E220 LLCC68 1W board
- Added Heltec Wireless Paper (Epaper Control still missing)
- Wx Packet length correction.
- Added Encoded Telemetry to GPS Beacon Packet to send Battery Voltage and External Voltage in one single packet. (Thanks @wb2osz for APRS1.2b info)
- Libraries update to get ready for SDK 3.0
- Added @RAKWireless Wisblock 4631 for initial digirepeater test
- Improved Configuration Read process to avoid crashing when a new variable is added from one version to another.
- Fix Digirepeater Process (BackUpMode and only Rx Modes for iGate).
- Web Authentication for WebUI. Thanks Mitja S57PNX.
- WIDE2-n added to WIDE1-n in Digirepeater Modes.
- External Voltage Divider Resistor configuration on WebUI. Thanks Tilen S54B.
- Personal Note information on WebUI for the Station. Thanks Tilen S54B.
- MAC address printed on serial output Network Management.
- New Boards Added.
- Many minor bugs and improvements.
- Callsign Validation fix for MIC-E Packets. Thanks Helge SA7SKY.
- Personal Note information on WebUI for the Station. Thanks Tilen S54B.
- Better rules for 3rd Party Packet identification. Thanks Geoffrey F4FXL.
- External Voltage Divider Resistor input. Thanks Tilen S54B.
- Corrections for 3rd Party Packet Queries.
-Callsign Validation Process correction (again)
-3rd Party Packet validation and analysis improvements (again ... sorry!)