Releases: pdsinterop/solid-nextcloud
Releases · pdsinterop/solid-nextcloud
Release v0.9.1
What's Changed
- Change deploy / publish instruction to not need a separate branch. by @Potherca in #162
- Change project README file by @Potherca in #161
- Prep release 0.9.1 by @ylebre in #167
- Feature/client registrations panel by @ylebre in #163
- return client_secret in the registration by @ylebre in #165
- update test suite version by @ylebre in #168
- Feature: allow blocking clients from the admin panel by @ylebre in #169
- update poddit url to one that is working by @ylebre in #170
- allow approval to return to a custom url schema by @ylebre in #172
- Deploy automation by @Potherca in #174
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
Release v0.9.1-RC.1
What's Changed
- Change deploy / publish instruction to not need a separate branch. by @Potherca in #162
- Change project README file by @Potherca in #161
- Prep release 0.9.1 by @ylebre in #167
- Feature/client registrations panel by @ylebre in #163
- return client_secret in the registration by @ylebre in #165
- update test suite version by @ylebre in #168
- Feature: allow blocking clients from the admin panel by @ylebre in #169
- update poddit url to one that is working by @ylebre in #170
- allow approval to return to a custom url schema by @ylebre in #172
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1-RC.1
Release v0.9.0 Add support for Nextcloud 28 & 29 & 30
What's Changed
- doc: add link to so people can actually click it by @pbek in #119
- Change deploy / publish instruction to live in a separate file. by @Potherca in #147
- Fix/register port number by @ylebre in #152
- Feature/nextcloud28 by @ylebre in #151
- Remove unneeded reference to by @Potherca in #149
- Feature/nextcloud30 by @ylebre in #156
- update app list by @ylebre in #155
- bump version by @ylebre in #158
- Feature/admin panel by @ylebre in #160
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.9.0
Release v0.8.1 Compatibility fixes for Solid apps
Release v0.8.0 Nextcloud 26 & 27 support, Drop PHP8.0
What's Changed
- fix for sending multiple headers with the same value by @ylebre in #117
- Allow running in bash on mac by @michielbdejong in #133
- Check cors on openid configuration by @michielbdejong in #134
- remove apache limits conf by @michielbdejong in #136
- Fixes for legacy solid apps (poddit launcher in solid-nextcloud) by @ylebre in #140
- Update to support up to Nextcloud 27 by @ylebre in #142
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.8.0
Release v0.7.2 Nextcloud 25 support
Release v0.7.1
What's Changed
- Run latest version of solid-crud-tests by @michielbdejong in #103
- Change the JtiReplayDetector to use a hash rather than a full URL. by @Potherca in #108
- Change GitHub test suite action (and cleanup
) by @Potherca in #109
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
Release v0.7.0 - Notifications with webhooks and websockets
Experimental features notice
This release contains a first implementation of webhooks. The specifications for notifications, specifically webhooks, is currently still in development. Expect this functionality to change in the future to keep up with the latest versions of the specifications.
What's Changed
- adding /.well-known/solid by @michielbdejong in #96
- implement notifications by @ylebre in #85
- Revisit install instructions by @michielbdejong in #94
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
Release v0.6.0 Security and Quality improvements
What's Changed
- Add security check for dependancies by @ylebre in #79
- Add PHP version sniff by @ylebre in #80
- Move CORS config from webserver config to middleware by @ylebre in #83
- Re-enable test suite by @michielbdejong in #88
- webid-provider-tests v2.1.0 by @michielbdejong in #89
- Send CORS headers on /.well-known/openid-configuration response by @michielbdejong in #93
- added oidcIssuer to webid profile by @poef in #97
- Add support for a JWT "jti" value to prevent replay attacks by @Potherca in #86
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
Release v0.5.0 NC24 and PHP8 🐘8️⃣
What's Changed
- Add script for setting up a test server by @michielbdejong in #75
- Feature/nextcloud 24 by @Potherca in #78
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.0