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PDS Interop

Interoperability between Personal Data Stores

PDS Interop stands for Personal Data Stores Interoperability.

We are an open-source, grant and sponsorship driven collaboration, intent on bringing interoperability between personal data stores to the masses.

"Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves." ~ Tim Berners-Lee

Our first main mission was to bring Solid to Nextcloud by creating an open source Nextcloud app that turns a Nextcloud server into a spec-compliant Solid server.

We are also working on providing test suites for PDS Interop, documenting conventions used by apps and services that store data interoperably on your PDS, and various Solid Apps.

All of our code is open-source and distributed under a MIT license (unless required otherwise by upstream projects).


Our main projects are:

  • Conventions Conventions around how apps and services store data on your personal data store (project lead Michiel de Jong).
  • Solid Test Suites Test suites for protocols a Personal Data Store may support (project lead Michiel de Jong).
  • Solid Nextcloud A plugin to make Nextcloud compatible with Solid (project lead Yvo Brevoort).
  • PHP Solid Server A standalone PHP Solid server (project lead Ben Peachey).
  • PDS Migrator Making it easy to move data from one server to another (project lead Yvo Brevoort).

For other software projects, see our repositories.


Pinned Loading

  1. solid-nextcloud solid-nextcloud Public

    A plugin to make Nextcloud compatible with Solid

    PHP 74 11

  2. php-solid-server php-solid-server Public

    Standalone Solid Server written in PHP by PDS Interop

    PHP 49 7

  3. test-suites test-suites Public

    Test suites for protocols a Personal Data Store may support

    Handlebars 2 11


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