UTM 0.3
UTM 0.3
Version 0.3 of UTM - A full-blown traffic monitoring of Cisco UCS blade servers using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf.
The 0.3 release of UTM is dedicated to privaldi. Being an end-user, you have set a perfect example of community development. Most of the coding and testing for 0.3 release was done during late saturday night when both of us were locked down in our homes.
Enhancements and changes in version 0.3
- Added support for C-series servers (connected to FI or via FEX (Nexus 2000)) in a UCS domains
- Added fcs and out_discards metrics for Etherner ports
- Added UCSM firmware version and FI system version
- Added datasource as a variable
- Fixed the unit of server memory from Gigabyte to Mebibyte
- Location dashboard - The server list shows servers with Unknown service profile also.
- All dashboards - Changed the group by time(1m) to $__interval - better loading performance over a longer duration.
- Added --no-ssh flag
- Added --connection-timeout flag
- Much better debug messages. Run v 0.3 with -vv flag under telegraf. Use -vvv when running manually.
- Added total time taken and response time per UCS domain.
- and much more...
UTM 0.3 with all packages pre-installed is also available as an OVA.
Download OVA