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Releases: paregupt/ucs_traffic_monitor

UTM v0.6

19 Jun 04:56
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UTM v0.6 adds 20+ features, mostly for proactive resolution of issues.

The landing page of UTM shows over-utilized links and busy servers (peak and average usage) - helps you in detecting issues quickly.
UTM_v0 6-overview

UTM v0.6 has a re-design of congestion detection. In one click, you can find the most congested servers, ports, etc. In two clicks, you can find the exact culprit of congestion, time of congestion, and severity of congestion.

UTM_v0 6-congestion

In one click, you can get find errors – Where (ports), When (time), severity (how many errors)
UTM_v0 6-errors

UTM_v0 6-link-tabular-view

and much more.


UTM Collector changes

  • Pulls class MgmtEntity to get the FI leadership of primary and subordinate
  • Added location in BackplanePortStats

Front-end UI changes

  • FI-A and FI-B show their leadership states - Primary or Subordinate
  • Fixed the over-reporting of PAUSE frames in Locations dashboard
  • Added new use-case for top 10 congested servers
  • Edited the links to carry the current time range
  • Edited the links to not open the new tab. Use browser functionality (middle-click or right click > open in new tab) to open in a new tab.
  • Improved calculation of total FC and Eth traffic on locations dashboard
  • Added location filter in the query of top-10 panels on Locations dashboard
  • Added UTM version in the locations dashboard
  • Removed horizontal bar charts in locations dashboard using Multistat panel. Now, the bar graphs use the native Grafana table gradient bars.
  • Because of the above change, the locations dashboard bar graphs offer a compact design with more high-level visualization in less space.
  • Fixed - Occasional showing of 0 as the total number of uplink and server ports on Locations dashboard.
  • Added new bar charts with domain name, FI ID, and port name for Eth and FC errors on Locations dashboard. Also added the errors from Server ports.
  • Error counters now use sum() instead of mean()
  • Changes on Ingress Traffic Congestion:
    • Renamed the dashboard from Ingress Traffic Congestion to Congestion Monitoring
    • Deprecating the Chassis PAUSE frame monitoring dashboard. Migrated the use-cases to Congestion Monitoring dashboard
    • Added use-cases for top-10 congested ports, top-10 congested servers, and many more.
    • Updated the navigation on the other dashboards
  • The top-10 tabular views offer Avg and Peak utilization
  • In Domain traffic dashboard, under the row for tabular view of uplink and server ports, added avg, peak, errors, and port speed.
  • Using max instead of mean for all graphs.
    • The mean calculation flattens any peaks when the traffic is fluctuating. The mean calculation may look nice, but it may mislead by hiding any high link utilization. This behavior is not visible when traffic is constant and the selected time duration is short so that Grafana interval is 1m which is also the default UTM collector polling interval. However, as the duration increases, the Grafana interval increases. As a result, the mean calculation flattens the peak in a group by time bucket. For example, when the interval is 1m, the max, mean, and last remain the same as the value. But when the interval is 2m, with values 10 and 2, the mean becomes 6 which is flattening the peak of 10. Using max, 10 is used which retains the peak and also retains the severity of the utilization.


Grafana 7.5.7

UTM v0.6 OVA for new installation

There is no dedicated OVA for UTM 0.6. Creating OVA for every change is just too much overhead. You can download the UTM 0.3 OVA and upgrade to the latest, which takes less than 2 minutes with internet access. Manual upgrade is also quick, but you have to download the packages and copy them to the UTM VM.
DO NOT follow the instructions from the read-me file packaged with the OVA because they are old.
Find the latest installation/upgrade instructions here.

Upgrading UTM from earlier versions to the latest

If UTM has access to the internet, pull the latest from GitHub repo (git clone and run This approach won't take more than 5 minutes.
If UTM does not have access to the internet, download and upgrade the packages manually.

Find the latest/detailed installation/upgrade instructions here.

Special thanks to Ian Jones for making v0.6 release possible.

UTM v0.4

01 Aug 06:34
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Number of enhancements/changes/fixes: 25+

Big thanks to the community, especially @jon-ae, @IanSJones, @kebrant, @privaldi and Art.

Receiver Enhancements

  1. Support for UCS mini
  2. Support for S-series servers connected to FEX
  3. Added -vvvv option to enable raw dump of incoming data from UCS - Enhanced debugging.
  4. Improved DB schema. Uniform notation of peer, peer_type and peer_port.

New use-cases

  1. Uplink port utilization graphs in %
    1. Thresholds set at 60% (warning) and 80% (critical) port utilization
  2. Uplink port utilization - consolidated tabular view.
  3. Server port utilization graphs in %
    1. Thresholds set at 60% (warning) and 80% (critical) port utilization
  4. Server port utilization - consolidated tabular view.
  5. Top 10 port for RX/TX traffic for FC/Eth
  6. Top 10 servers for RX/TX traffic for FC/Eth
  7. Load-balance use-cases on UCS domain traffic dashboard for FC and Eth
  8. Graph panel legends changed default from avg and curr to peak and avg. This is configurable if you wish to change it back.
  9. Variables for Database name ($db) and Retention Policy ($rp).
    1. Getting ready for configurable data roll up and retention policy.
  10. Time-series view of inventory, status, etc.

Other UI Enhancements

  1. Improved Documentation - Added conceptual drawings like UCS Architectural diagram, PAUSE frame monitoring, etc.
  2. Updated tables panels for Grafana 7 format
  3. Updated Stats panels for Grafana 7 format
  4. Updated descriptions of all panels
  5. Fixed color coding of description panels ( stopped working after disabling sanitize html flag)
  6. Improved Security - No dependency on enabling Javascript in Grafana anymore. Added alternative approach for images. Don't need to sanitize html anymore.
  7. Simple navigation via menu at the top
  8. Modern color scheme
  9. Improved panel at the top of the page (removed table/cell boundaries)
  10. fc_data_rate - New variables to account for 85% data rate utilization of FC ports
  11. Optimized the loading time of the point-in-time graphs by using reduced time window.


  • Grafana v7.1
  • Multistat panel 1.4.1.

UTM v0.4 OVA?

There is no dedicated OVA for UTM 0.4. Creating OVA for every change is just too much overhead. You can download the UTM 0.3 OVA from the link below and upgrade to the latest. The upgrade takes less than 2 minutes with internet access. Manual upgrade is also quick but you have to download the packages and copy them to the UTM VM.
Download OVA
DO NOT follow the instructions from the read-me file packaged with the OVA. They are old.
Find the latest installation/upgrade instructions here.

UTM 0.3

14 Apr 15:14
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UTM 0.3

Version 0.3 of UTM - A full-blown traffic monitoring of Cisco UCS blade servers using Grafana, InfluxDB and Telegraf.

The 0.3 release of UTM is dedicated to privaldi. Being an end-user, you have set a perfect example of community development. Most of the coding and testing for 0.3 release was done during late saturday night when both of us were locked down in our homes.

Enhancements and changes in version 0.3

  • Added support for C-series servers (connected to FI or via FEX (Nexus 2000)) in a UCS domains
  • Added fcs and out_discards metrics for Etherner ports
  • Added UCSM firmware version and FI system version
  • Added datasource as a variable
  • Fixed the unit of server memory from Gigabyte to Mebibyte
  • Location dashboard - The server list shows servers with Unknown service profile also.
  • All dashboards - Changed the group by time(1m) to $__interval - better loading performance over a longer duration.
  • Added --no-ssh flag
  • Added --connection-timeout flag
  • Much better debug messages. Run v 0.3 with -vv flag under telegraf. Use -vvv when running manually.
  • Added total time taken and response time per UCS domain.
  • and much more...

UTM 0.3 with all packages pre-installed is also available as an OVA.
Download OVA