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1. GIS and WebGIS

Azure edited this page Jan 18, 2025 · 6 revisions

Project Overview

Screenshot from 2025-01-18 20-04-57

1. QGIS and Data Collection

Core GIS
We used QGIS 3.40 as the primary GIS software.
Coordinate Reference System: WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857)
Required Plugins: None (Thus Far)

Data Collection
We used the following sources to standardize the data collection process and ensure minimal inaccuracies

  • OpenStreetMap Data
  • Georeferenced Existing Maps
  • Satellite Imagery (Maxar Technologies)
  • Physical Survey Data (Drone and human surveying)

Data Processing Workflow
Layers and Attribute Tables were labelled appropriately with Legend Segregation based on the purpose each layer category served. Screenshot from 2024-12-31 16-19-57

Attrbiute Tables contain the following data:-

  1. Serial ID of each Object
  2. Name of Object
    Additional Data like
  3. Area
  4. Perimeter

Quality Control Measures

Feedback from Users
Cleaning attribute tables to avoid Null objects

2. WebGIS Implementation

The web interface serves as the primary user interaction point, providing access to the GIS data while maintaining security and performance. It employs the following infrastructure:-

  1. Server-side components: The system is designed to handle high loads and provide fast response times. This is achieved through the use of caching mechanisms, load balancing, and optimized database queries. The NGINX server is configured to serve static content efficiently, while dynamic requests are handled by the Node.js backend. Performance monitoring tools are also employed to continuously track and improve system performance. Additionally, user authentication and role-based access control (RBAC) are enforced to manage permissions and ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.
  2. Client-side components: The web interface is designed with user experience in mind, featuring an intuitive layout and easy navigation ensuring compatibility with various devices and screen sizes, and accessibility standards are followed to make the interface usable for all users. This is implemented with interactive elements such as maps and data visualizations are implemented using OpenLayers and custom JavaScript modules.

Technology Stack

JS Library: OpenLayers
Backend: ExpressJS
Database: PostgreSQL
Data Format: GeoJSON

Interactive Features

  1. Layer filtering
  2. Object Search
  3. Event Tracking
  4. User Authentication
  5. Approval-based User created events
  6. 3D layer based on photogrammetry

3. TroubleShooting

Underdevelopment. Will be added as we encounter where most people face issues.