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@batzen batzen released this 28 Jan 10:01
· 2150 commits to master since this release


  • Breaking changes

    • #466 - StrongName signed assembly? Hey, it's 2017...
      Fluent.Ribbon is no longer a strong-named assembly.
    • #433 - ToggleButton not working correctly when placed in collapsed GroupBox
      ToggleButton grouping was done like it's done for a regular RadioButton, except that it was bound to visual root scope.
      The dependency on a visual root scope has been remove, so please adjust the GroupName for groups if you have groups with the same name in different visual root scopes.
    • DropDownButton (and thus also SplitButton) now inherit from ItemsControl instead of MenuBase.
      This was changed because MenuBase causes a lot of issues regarding keyboard navigation, focus etc..
      This also means that you should use Fluent:MenuItem instead of the system provided MenuItem as immediate children of DropDownButton and SplitButton.
    • SplitButton now generates two KeyTip elements for itself. If you previously used "S" as KeyTip there will now be "S1" for the button action and "S2" will open the dropdown.
    • Changes made to Ribbon
      • Internal properties for QuickAccessToolBar and TabControl got converted to DependencyProperty
      • Changed order of Children returned from LogicalChildren
      • Type of metadata for Menu and StartScreen changed from PropertyMetadata to FrameworkPropertyMetadata
    • There are a lot new resources to control the colorization. Please have a look at Colors.xaml for a list of all available resources.
      This also means that, for example, simply changing the foreground/background of one outer control won't change the foreground/background of all inner controls.
    • #457 - Return type of IKeyTipedControl.OnKeyTipPressed was changed from void to KeyTipPressedResult.
    • The following Color and Brush resources got replaced/renamed/removed:
Click here to show the list of replaced/renamed/removed things

Old New
Fluent:MetroColors.ThemeColorKey Fluent.Ribbon.Colors.AccentBaseColor
ButtonDisabledBackgroundBrush ---
ButtonDisabledBorderBrush ---
SliderShadowBrush WhiteBrush
SliderLightenBrush WhiteBrush
BackstageBackgroundBrush WhiteBrush
BackstageControlHoverBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.BorderBrush
BackstageControlActiveBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
ButtonBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Control.BorderBrush
ButtonHoverOuterBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
ButtonHoverOuterBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.BorderBrush
ButtonPressedOuterBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
ButtonPressedOuterBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
ButtonPressedInnerBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
ButtonPressedInnerBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
ButtonHoverInnerBackgroundBrush ---
ButtonHoverInnerBorderBrush ---
ButtonCheckedBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.HighlightBrush & Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
CheckBoxHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
CheckBoxHoverBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.BorderBrush
CheckBoxPressedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
CheckBoxPressedBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
CheckBoxOutterBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxOutterBackgroundBrush ---
CheckBoxInnerBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxInnerBackgroundBrush ---
CheckBoxHoverOutterBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxHoverOutterBackgroundBrush ---
CheckBoxHoverInnerBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxHoverInnerBackgroundBrush ---
CheckBoxPressedOutterBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxPressedOutterBackgroundBrush ---
CheckBoxPressedInnerBorderBrush ---
CheckBoxPressedInnerBackgroundBrush ---
ContextMenuLineBrush ---
ContextMenuBarBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.DropDown.BackgroundBrush
ContextMenuBarBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.DropDown.BorderBrush
ContextMenuBarResizeBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.DropDown.Resize.BorderBrush
ContextMenuBarResizeBackgoundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.DropDown.Resize.BackgoundBrush
GalleryBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Control.BorderBrush
InRibbonGalleryBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Control.BorderBrush
BackstageGalleryItemHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
BackstageGalleryItemSelectedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
BackstageToggleButtonCheckedBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.HighlightBrush
BackstageToggleButtonCheckedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
QuickAccessToolbarPopupBackgrondBrush {Binding Background, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}
WindowContentBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Separator.BorderBrush
GroupBoxSeparatorBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Separator.BorderBrush
GroupBoxSeparatorBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Separator.Background
ContextMenuSeparatorBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Separator.BorderBrush
KeyTipBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.KeyTip.Background
KeyTipBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.KeyTip.BorderBrush
GalleryHeaderBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Gallery.Header.Background
TextBoxBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.BorderBrush
TextBoxBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.Background
TextBoxHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.MouseOver.Background
TextBoxHoverBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.MouseOver.BorderBrush
TextBoxDisabledBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.Disabled.Background
TextBoxDisabledBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.TextBox.Disabled.BorderBrush
RibbonSeparatorBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.GroupSeparator.Background
GroupSeparatorBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.GroupSeparator.Background
CloseButtonHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.WindowCommands.CloseButton.MouseOver.Background
CloseButtonPressedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.WindowCommands.CloseButton.Pressed.Background
MenuItemBackground Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.MenuItem.Background
MenuItemCheckBoxBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ApplicationMenuItem.CheckBox.Background
MenuItemCheckBoxBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ApplicationMenuItem.CheckBox.BorderBrush
RibbonThemeColorBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.AccentBaseColorBrush
TransparentBrush ---
BackstageFontBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.IdealForegroundColorBrush
TabItemFontBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.LabelTextBrush
Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.LabelTextBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.LabelTextBrush
GroupHoverBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonGroupBox.Collapsed.MouseOver.Background GroupHoverBrush
GroupHighlightBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonGroupBox.DropDownOpen.Background
GroupBoxFontBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonGroupBox.Header.Foreground
ActiveTabBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonTabItem.Active.Background
TabItemSelectedFontBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonTabItem.Selected.Foreground
RibbonBackgoundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Ribbon.Background
RibbonTopBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.RibbonTabItem.BorderBrush & Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ColorGallery.Item.BorderBrush
ScrollButtonDefaultBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollButton.Default.BorderBrush
ScrollButtonDefaultBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollButton.Default.Background
ScrollButtonHoverBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.BorderBrush
ScrollButtonHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
ScrollButtonPressedBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
ScrollButtonPressedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
ScrollBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollBar.Background
ScrollVerticalBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollBar.Background
ScrollThumbDefaultBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollThumb.Default.BorderBrush
ScrollThumbDefaultBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollThumb.Default.Background
ScrollThumbHoverBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.BorderBrush
ScrollThumbHoverBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.MouseOver.Background
ScrollThumbPressedBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.BorderBrush
ScrollThumbPressedBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.Button.Pressed.Background
ScrollViewerButtonBorderBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollViewer.Button.BorderBrush
ScrollViewerButtonBackgroundBrush Fluent.Ribbon.Brushes.ScrollViewer.Button.BackgroundBrush
  • The following default values changed:
Name/Location Old New
Button.BorderThickness 0 1
ContentGapHeight 5 1
  • The following styles got removed/renamed:
Old New
NonEditableComboBoxItemStyle is now the default style
EditableComboBoxItemStyle ---

  • Bug fixes

    • #344 - Invisible header of combobox on QuickAccessToolBar.
    • #395 - issues with contextual tab group
    • #405 - InRibbonGallery when loaded, mouse wheel up or down cause crash. (thanks @Yumeryu)
    • #419 - BackstageTabItem Is Never Deselected if BackstageTabControl is not Logical Parent
    • #428 - Values from DependencyProperties with FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits are not properly inherited from Ribbon to Menu, StartScreen and some other children
      This also overrules the fix made for #415.
    • #430 - No Rezising at Fluent:RibbonContextualTabGroup at Version 5.0
    • #433 - ToggleButton not working correctly when placed in collapsed GroupBox
    • #438 - Titlebar icon missing left margin when maximized
    • #439 - Context menu and submenu disappears after a right click
    • #446 - Wrong submenu Position in application menu
    • #450 - Fix Ribbon.OnTitleBarChanged clearing the new title bar instead of the old one (thanks @Cubey2019)
    • #451 - combobox and dateformat
    • #454 - RibbonWindow title not shown in correct position when using SizeToContent
    • #456 - Maximising a RibbonWindow with MaxWidth or MaxHeight causes an extra border above the title bar
    • #457 - Using the keytip shortcut to open a backstage briefly opens it, then closes it immediately
    • #459 - Label of the Spinner disappears, if there isn't enough place
    • #463 - ShowQuickAccessToolBarAboveRibbon="False" causes crash
    • #464 - Clicking on hyperlink inside of ApplicationMenu causes crash
    • #465 - Clicking on ContextualGroup background or scrolling through ribbon will open disabled tab
      During this fix RibbonTabControl.GetFirstVisibleItem was renamed to RibbonTabControl.GetFirstVisibleAndEnabledItem.
    • #473 - RibbonWindow does not resize when Children resize and SizeToContent is used
    • #481 - ToggleButton behaviour is wrong when GroupName is set
    • #485 - InRibbonGallery broken when ItemsSource is empty
    • #486 - Stretching of DropDownButton differs from Button
    • #489 - Fluent Ribbon crashes program on shutdown
    • #493 - Sometimes icons are not drawn when using ObjectToImageConverter
    • #500 - Binding error for RibbonProperties.MouseOverBackground
    • #501 - Ribbon controls disappear when ribbon is initially disabled
  • Enhancements

    • LayoutTransform and RenderTransform can now be used directly on RibbonWindow as this now gets forwarded to the first template child of the window. Have a look at TestWindow in the showcase application for an example on how to use it. This was added as the fix for #430.
    • You can change accent and base colors by using ThemeManager just like in MahApps.Metro. Please read the documentation for details.
    • #275 - Option for customizing the quick access toolbar access keys
      QuickAccessToolBar now has a property called UpdateKeyTipsAction which accepts an instance of QuickAccessToolBar through which you can create your own keytips for items in the toolbar.
      Look at the UnitTest QuickAccessToolBarTests.TestCustomKeyTips for a sample.
    • #313 - Window state buttons not updating to Windows 10 look / feel
    • #417 - Keytips for Splitbuttons
      You now get 2 KeyTips for SplitButton. One for the main action button and one for the dropdown. Those KeyTips get generated by append "A" and "B" to the original KeyTip.
    • #431 - Changing Ribbon Tab Control Background color and possibly adding Graphic Styling.
    • #435 - Add ability to change the Window Title Background the Ribbon Bar is on in order to match the Office 365 Style.
    • #440 - Enable changing the height of content area of RibbonTabControl
      ContentHeight is available on Ribbon and tranferred to RibbonTabControl from there
    • #443 - Release .NET 4.6.2 version
    • #444 - Add IgnoreTaskbarOnMaximize to RibbonWindow
    • #445 - Startsceen "shines" through backstage
    • #455 - Add brushes for checked toggle buttons (thanks @Cubey2019)
    • #478 - Custom MinWidth of Start Screen (LeftContent)
    • #479 - Bulgarian language (thanks @kalatchev)
    • #480 - Disable Scroll Wheel for tab selection
      You can control this behavior by using IsMouseWheelScrollingEnabled on Ribbon
    • #484 - Add special style/template for MenuItem with set description
    • #488 - Display border around content area of RibbonTabControl
      You can now use Fluent.Ribbon.Values.RibbonTabControl.Content.BorderThickness to control the thickness of the border around the content area of RibbonTabControl
    • #494 - How to align controls such as ToggleButton, Spinner with text
      You can now opt in to align the headers of controls like ComboBox or Spinner which are placed in the same column of a RibbonGroupBox by adding Grid.IsSharedSizeScope="True" to a RibbonGroupBox.
      You can opt out of this behavior for single controls in that column by adding Fluent:RibbonGroupBoxWrapPanel.ExcludeFromSharedSize="True" to that control.
      Documentation can be found at
    • #495 - Add option disable handling of KeyTips
      You can now disable handling of all KeyTips by setting IsKeyTipHandlingEnabled on Ribbon to False.
    • #503 - Add IsDefinitive property to GalleryItem (thanks @noctis0430)