Eclipse Che 7.78.0
Major Enhancements
Add a way to reject the authorization opt-out flag from the dashboard
Starting from this release a user can revoke the authorization for configured Git Services from the User Dashboard:

Add support for PATs in GitHub Enterprise Server
Personal Access Token (PAT) for the GitHub Enterprise Server (self-hosted instance) can be now configured from the User Dashboard. Before this release, only and GitHub Enterprise Cloud were supported.
Improve options when workspace startup fails
In this release, a few major enhancements have been made for cases when a workspace fails to start for some reason:
Workspace startup page
A user can navigate to the OpenShift cluster and edit the DevWorkspace spec right from the workspace startup screen:
Workspaces list page
On the 'Workspaces' page the problematic workspace will be marked with the warning sign:
Workspace details page
it is now possible to navigate to the DevWorkspace object from the 'Overview' tab of the User Dashboard when running on OpenShift:

Support devfile private raw URLs with ?token parameter on
The ?token
URL parameter is now supported for resolving private devfiles from e.g.<token>
Set Java 17 as the default in the Universal Developer Image
Java 17 is now used by default in the Universal Developer Image:

Major Bug Fixes
Issue accessing existing workspaces which shows "No PersonalAccessTokenFetcher configured" error
Before this update, re-opening an existing workspace resulted in a "No PersonalAccessTokenFetcher configured" error message. With this update, the token is refreshed on a workspace restart.
VS Code che-resource-monitor extension not working
To get the metrics, the resource monitor extension needs to know the pod name provided by the HOSTNAME environment variable.
However, sometimes the variable could be overridden with a different value which breaks the plugin. To avoid this problem it has been decided to copy the HOSTNAME env var to DEVWORKSPACE_POD_NAME env var before launching the editor and fall back on the new variable when necessary.