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Releases: eclipse-che/che

Eclipse Che 7.100.0

17 Mar 14:03
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Major Enhancements

Microsoft Azure DevOps Server (TFS) support

Starting from this release, you can configure a Personal Access Token (PAT) for accessing a Microsoft Azure DevOps Server (TFS) instance hosted on-premise.


OAuth 2.0 is not currently supported on the Azure DevOps Server.

Screenshot 2025-03-14 at 12 15 48

Learn more about the PAT setup in the official documentation.

Simplify importing untrusted TLS certificates

The procedure for importing untrusted TLS certificates has been sufficiently simplified in this release.
You can learn more about the procedure in the official documentation.

Bug Fixes

Cannot activate the 'Python Debugger' extension because its dependency 'Python' failed to activate

Previously, there was an issue where 'ms-python.python' extensions failed to be activated when the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") editor was refreshed in the browser. This defect was fixed in this release.

POST ​/kubernetes​/namespace​/provision could take up to 30 seconds on some clusters, resulting in broken dashboard

When you access the User Dashboard, it makes a POST /Kubernetes/namespace/provision request. In some clusters, the request could take more than the 15-second timeout, making it impossible to access the user dashboard. The timeout was updated to 30 seconds in this release. Additionally, it is now possible to customize the timeout using the CHE_DASHBOARD_AXIOS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT environment variable.

Dashboard should serve getting-started devfile samples from /index/all (not from /index)

Previously, the User Dashboard served the getting started samples from the /index route of the configured externalDevfileRegistries. Starting from this release, the /index/all route is used instead.

Do not fetch git username and email if the gitconfig configmap contains the data

Previously, Eclipse Che would fetch the git username and email from the git provider regardless of whether the data already existed in the workspace-userdata-gitconfig-configmap ConfigMap in the user's namespace. In this release, the ConfigMap is checked beforehand, and fetches the data from the git provider only if needed.

Gitlab API is requested for non-Gitlab PATs

Before this release, there was an unwanted GitLab API validation request if any Personal Access Token (PAT) existed in the user's namespace.

2025-03-06 08:08:33,265[nio-8080-exec-1]  [TRACE] [o.e.c.a.f.s.g.GitlabApiClient 78]    - executeRequest= GET`. The defect has been fixed in this release.

The request has been removed in this release.

The http raw devfile is not properly resolved by the User Dashboard

This release fixes a bug where the User Dashboard did not properly display the original devfile in the workspace's 'Devfile' view


A workspace with a devfile that uses a parent devfile failed to start due to the error: 'Cannot add property attributes, object is not extensible'.

Before this release, workspaces based on devfiles with parent reference failed to start with the following error message: "Cannot add property attributes, object is not extensible". The defect has been fixed in this release.


Automatically restart from local devfile when devfile failed to be resolved at startup

A regression related to the automatic restart from the local devfile for SSH URLs has been fixed in this release.

Start workspace from Gitea SSH URL is interrupted by a warning page

Previously, workspace startup from a Gitea repository using SSH URL was interrupted by the following warning message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading schemaVersion). The defect has been fixed in this release.


Git and on Gitconfig page are not displayed if the page is opened before PAT or OAuth configuration

Before this release, if you opened 'Gitconfig' tab from the User Dashboard before creating a Personal Access Token (PAT) or setting up OAuth, the user's name and email were not displayed. The defect was fixed in this release.


Eclipse Che 7.99.0

20 Feb 16:20
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Major Enhancements

Microsoft Visual Studio Code desktop flow

Starting from this release, you can connect a local desktop Microsoft Visual Studio Code instance to a Cloud Development Environment (CDE) using the Remote - Tunnels extension:

Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 12 22 04 Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 13 23 35

Learn more about the setup in the official documentation.


Platform-specific installation guides for the DevWorkspace Operator

Eclipse Che is using the DevWorkspace Operator under the hood to manage the lifecycle of the Cloud Development Environments. In this release, Platform-Specific Installation Guides for kind, minikube, and OpenShift have been added to the project's documentation.

Bug Fixes

Obsolete Visual Studio Code editor version is used in the existing workspaces after version upgrade

Previously, there was a known issue affecting Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("CODE - OSS"). After an upgrade, an obsolete version of the editor continued being used for existing workspaces instead of the new version. The defect has been fixed in this release.

A new workspace can not be created if the target devfile contains both parent reference and the storage-type attribute

Before this release, you could not create a workspace if the target devfile had a parent reference, and had the storage-type field overridden, since the parent schema does not support overrides in the attributes. The defect has been fixed.
Starting from this release, the is not applied in the child devfile if it is defined in the parent. The Change Storage Type widget is also disabled in this situation:


Broken 'Devfile Viewer' styles on the User Dashboard

Before this release, the 'Devfile Viewer' styles were broken on the User Dashboard for some devfiles:


The defect has been fixed in this release.

The 'Changes' commands in the down list are not available on the 'Source Control' panel

Before this release, the 'Changes' commands in the drop-down list were not available on the 'Source Control' panel of the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("CODE - OSS"):


The defect has been fixed in this release.

Failed to create workspace when launching private repository factory with refused OAuth

The defect related to the workspace startup from a private repository when OAuth was refused has been fixed in this release.

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 17 35 10

Start workspace page displays misleading warning "The Bitbucket integration is not configured properly" when opening gogs public repository using HTTP URL

Previously, a warning message "The Bitbucket integration is not configured properly" appeared when opening gogs public repository using HTTP URL

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 17 26 34

The defect has been fixed in this release.

Warning message "Cannot build a factory with any of the provided parameters" appears when creating workspace from a gogs private repo using an SSH URL

Previously, a warning message "Cannot build a factory with any of the provided parameters" appeared when creating a workspace from a gogs private repository using an SSH URL. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Screenshot from 2025-01-07 02-02-09

Eclipse Che 7.98.0

28 Jan 17:51
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Major Enhancements

Mount proxy environment variables to dashboard container

With this release, if there is a proxy configured in the cluster, the proxy configuration is mounted to the che-dashboard container as environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY.

Reduce dashboard frontend bundle size

The dashboard frontend bundle size has been decreased by 14 percent in this release.


Знімок екрана 2024-12-19 о 18 08 15


Знімок екрана 2025-01-01 о 17 50 41

Bug Fixes

Cannot create workspace using factory from Azure DevOps repositories if OAuth is configured

Previously, there was an issue that made creating workspaces from the dashboard factory flow from Azure DevOps repositories (private and public) impossible if OAuth was configured. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Eclipse Che 7.97.0

08 Jan 17:59
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Major Enhancements

Allow to configure securityContext for the gateway container

You can set up the securityContext for the CDE pods in the CheCluster CR:

        allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            - ALL
          type: RuntimeDefault

With this release, the securityContext is also applied to the CDE's che-gateway container.

Add the ncat utility to the project clone image

With this release, the ncat utility has been added to the project-clone container of the CDE.

$ podman run --rm nc --version
Ncat: Version 7.92 ( )

Create a common entrypoint for base and UDI, fix .config ownership for Podman 5 support

With this release, a common script is used for both the base-developer-image and the universal-developer-image (UDI), making the behaviour between the two images consistent.

The base-developer-image and UDI are updated so that the storage driver for Podman (fuseoverlay-fs or vfs) is determined automatically in the entrypoint. As a result, if the /dev/fuse device is available in the CDE, the entrypoint will configure the ~/.config/containers/storage.conf file automatically to use fuse-overlayfs.

Additionally, the ownership of the ~/.config folder is set to the current user, which is a requirement for Podman 5.x.

Bug Fixes

ServiceAccount token cached incorrectly on the User Dashboard

Previously, ServiceAccount token located at the path /var/run/secrets/ was cached on the User Dashboard end and was not refreshed properly. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Automatically restart from local devfile when devfile failed to be resolved at startup for SSH URLs

Regression related to the automatic restart from the local devfile for SSH URLs has been fixed in this release.

Kubeconfig format corruption after switching clusters and restarting workspace

Kubeconfig format corruption after switching clusters and restarting CDE has been fixed in this release.

Restart from local devfile doesn't work anymore

Previously, Che Code's Restart Workspace from Local Devfile functionality was not working when attributes in the DevWorkspace CR had null values. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Can not create a workspace using SSH

Previously, there was a Cannot add property, object is not extensible error when you tried to create a workspace with an SSH URL from the Che dashboard. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Current stow implementation in udi8/9 breaks under certain conditions

Previously if devEnvironments.persistUserHome.enabled and devEnvironments.persistUserHome.disableInitContainer were both true, and if there was a file in the /home/user directory that would cause a stow conflict, the stow command would still run and fail due to the conflict. With this release, UBI and UDI entrypoint automatically add conflicting files into the /home/tooling/.stow-local-ignore to prevent the stow failure.

Use current project directory at terminal creation

When creating new terminals in the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") editor with the New Terminal (Select a Container) option, the initial directory was not the current project directory (ex. /projects/<project-name>). This defect has been fixed in this release.



Documentation for applying editor configurations from a ConfigMap

With this release it is now possible to apply Che Code settings.json and extensions.json to your Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") editors using a ConfigMap. Learn more in the official documentation.

Eclipse Che 7.96.0

16 Dec 18:26
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Major Enhancements

Ability to apply VS Code editor configurations from a ConfigMap

With this release, you can apply specific configuration properties to the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") editor using a dedicated ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: vscode-editor-configurations
  extensions.json: |
      "recommendations": [
  settings.json: |
      "window.header": "SOME HEADER MESSAGE",
      "window.commandCenter": false,
      "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "titleBar.activeBackground": "#CCA700",
        "titleBar.activeForeground": "#ffffff"
immutable: false
Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 15 55 41

Display the full content of the gitconfig file on the User Dashboard

With this release, you can view the full content of the .gitconfig file. Access it on the User Preferences 'Gitconfig' tab by clicking 'Switch to Viewer' :

JHipster Community devfile

A new community-supported JHipster Online devfile has been contributed to the and is available as a getting-started sample on the User Dashboard:

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 12 37 05

Learn more about the new JHipstrer devfile getting-started sample in the tutorial demo video.

Allowlist k8s service in 'no_proxy' environment variable

Starting from this release, there is a dedicated warning message for clusters that are behind a proxy, if you did not add the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable to the no_proxylist.

Screenshot from 2024-11-25 15-57-22

Detect support for fuse-overlayfs for Universal Developer Image

Starting from this release fuse-overlayfs will be detected automatically for the default Universal Developer Image.


Installation guide for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

The installation guide for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is available in the official documentation.

Configuring workspace endpoints base domain

With this release, the official documentation for configuring workspace endpoints base domain is available.

Persistent user home documentation

With this release, the official documentation for persisting the /home/user directory across workspace restarts is available.

Configuring proxy setting for https_proxy, http_proxy and no_proxy

Official documentation that explains how to configure the proxy settings is available.

Updated documentation for caching images for faster workspace start using ImagePuller component

This release, there is an update for the official documentation about caching images for faster workspace startup using ImagePuller.

Microsoft Marketplace Terms of Use Warning

A warning related to the Microsoft Marketplace ToS was added to the official documentation.

Deprecated functionalities

Deprecate and remove UBI 8 from the upstream UDI codebase

UBI 8 has been removed from the Developer Images codebase in favor of UBI 9.

Bug Fixes

DevWorkspace 'storage-type' attribute temporarily removed when restarting from local devfile

Previously, the DevWorkspace 'storage-type' attribute was temporarily removed when restarting the CDE from the local devfile. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Restart from local devfile function not working as expected

The 'Restart from local devfile' functionality was not working as expected in some cases, resulting in a "Failed to update the Devfile. Error: aborted" error. The defect has been fixed in this release.

GitHub Authorization does not work properly

Previously, revoking the GitHub token from the dashboard was failing with an "OAuth token for provider github was not found" error under certain conditions:

Screenshot from 2024-11-11 15-59-40

The defect has been fixed in this release.

An error appears when accessing the User Preferences Git Services tab

Previously, under certain conditions, a "TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 0 of object [objectArray]" error message would appear when navigating to the User Preferences -> Git Services tab:


The defect has been fixed in this release.

Factory from BitBucket server private repository based on SSH Url has an unexpected warning

Before this release, when a Cloud Development environment was started for the BitBucket server private repository based on an SSH URL, the startup was interrupted with an unexpected warning.


Eclipse Che 7.95.0

22 Nov 16:35
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Major Enhancements

Security best practices

With this release, the security best practices for Eclipse Che have been contributed to the official documentation.

Warning message when tracker can not ping machine-exec

When the activity tracker extension could not ping the idler service, there was no user-facing error message displayed. This could cause a situation where your Cloud Development Environment (CDE) is terminated due to the idler, even when you are actively using your CDE. With this release, an error notification warns you when the idler service cannot be reached.


Bug Fixes

Custom editor is not resolved from .che if SSH url is used

Previously, if you started a CDE created with a project with a .che/che-editor.yaml file and used SSH for cloning, the editor in the .che/che-editor.yaml file was not resolved. This issue is fixed in this release.

Add SSH agent postStart event only if SSH key has a passphrase & experimental features enabled

Before this release, if you configured a secret containing a SSH key for git operations, you could provide an SSH passphrase as well. By providing the SSH passphrase in the secret, you could clone and push to the git repository without re-entering the passphrase. This feature caused starting CDE from certain sample projects from the registry to fail.

Starting from this release, enabling the SSH passphrase feature requires the admin to set the config.enableExperimentalFeatures field to true in the Che-owned DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig:

kind: DevWorkspaceOperatorConfig
  name: devworkspace-config
  namespace: eclipse-che
  enableExperimentalFeatures: true

Fixed NetworkPolicy podSelector documentation

The previous Configuring network policies documentation contained a network policy that prevented you from creating Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) from sample projects. This issue is fixed in this release.

Logout button on Che dashboard does not work

There was an issue where you were not able to log out after clicking on the "Logout" button. This issue is fixed in this release.

Increase memory limit for the Dev Workspace Operator to 5Gi

The memory limit for the devworkspace-controller-manager-* pod was increased to 5Gi.

Launching a workspace using .devfile.yaml file from Gitlab repository hosted internally fails

Before this release, it was not possible to create Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) from a .devfile within an internally hosted Gitlab repository. With this release, the issue is fixed.

Eclipse Che 7.94.0

07 Nov 16:10
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Major Enhancements

Allow configuring users namespaces with OpenShift template

With this release, you can leverage the OpenShift Template object and replicate the resources defined in it across the namespaces of all users, such as:

  • LimitRange
  • ResourceQuota
  • NetworkPolicy
  • Role
  • RoleBinding

Learn more about the procedure in the official documentation.

Allow configuring 2 GitLab OAuth providers simultaneously

Starting from this release, you can configure 2 Gitlab OAuth providers on a single Eclipse Che instance. This can be particularly useful when developers are working with codebases hosted on both GitLab SaaS and on-premises.


Learn more about the procedure in the official documentation.

Notification when autoscaler kicks in during workspace startup

Starting from this release, if cluster autoscaler is provisioning a new worker node during Cloud Development Environment (CDE) startup, you will be notified with a dedicated warning message:


Leverage the Openshift cluster-wide Custom CA Bundle configuration for CDEs

Communications with external services are encrypted with TLS and require the certificates to be signed by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA). Therefore, all untrusted CA chains used by external services should be imported to Eclipse Che.

Starting from this release, labeled ConfigMaps from the installation namespace are used as sources for TLS certificates.
The ConfigMaps can have an arbitrary amount of keys with a arbitrary amount of certificates each. The operator merges all ConfigMaps into a single one titled ca-certs-merged, and mounts it as a volume in the operands and Cloud Development Environment (CDE) pods.

By default, the operator mounts the ca-certs-merged ConfigMap in a user's CDE at two locations: /public-certs and /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem. The /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem directory is where the system stores extracted CA certificates for trusted certificate authorities on Red Hat (e.g., CentOS, Fedora). CLI tools automatically use certificates from the system-trusted locations when the user's CDE is up and running.

Learn more about the procedure in the official documentation.

Adds JetBrains CLion and RubyMine IDEs to the User Dashboard

JetBrains CLion and RubyMine IDEs are available on the User Dashboard and accessible via JetBrains Gateway with this release.

Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 16 54 32

Launching Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") with selected default extensions installed

With this release, you can install default Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") extensions using the combinations of the devfile postStart event together with automount ConfigMap:

  - id: add-default-extensions
      # put your tooling container name here
      component: runtime
      commandLine: |
        # download regular binary
        curl --location -o /tmp/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix
        curl --location -o /tmp/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix

    - add-default-extensions
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: default-extensions
  labels: 'true' 'true'
  annotations: env
  DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS: '/tmp/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix;/tmp/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix'

UI/UX enhancements of the editor tiles on the User Dashboard

The editor tiles displayed on the User Dashboard including the license and version information received a UI/UX enhancement:

Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 14 03 49

Deprecated functionalities

Add the "Deprecated" Tag to the Intelij IDEA Community

With this release, the Intelij IDEA Community editor using JetBrains Projector in the background is deprecated.

Bug Fixes

Workspace details drop-down menu item is missing

The 'Workspace Details' drop-down menu item has been returned back to the navigation bar.

Знімок екрана 2024-10-22 о 05 32 23

Знімок екрана 2024-10-22 о 05 31 47

Unexpected warning message while try to start a workspace from a raw devfile

Previously, a sporadic warning message could show up during the CDE startup from the raw devfile.

Screenshot from 2024-09-19 13-49-03

The defect has been fixed in this release.

Healthz bad gateway when pod/service ip take time to propagate

Before this release, when the IP address of the Cloud Development Environment (CDE) service/pod took some time to be accessible, it would result in slow startup due to the inability to access the CDE healthz endpoint within a specific timeout. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Filter out "init-ssh-agent" from Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") devfile task lists

Previously, the internal DWO-specific init-ssh-agent task required for processing SSH passphrase was visible in Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS"). The defect has been fixed in this release.


Eclipse Che 7.93.0

11 Oct 12:53
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Major Enhancements

Add option to deploy operands on the specific cluster nodes

With this release, you can deploy operands (dashboard, server, plugin-registry, etc.) on specific cluster nodes using the dedicated nodeSelector and tolerations CR properties:


Ability to create the .gitconfig file from the User Dashboard regardless of the authentication method setup on the cluster

You can now create or import the .gitconfig file from the User Dashboard regardless of the authentication method setup on the cluster:

Before this release, it was not possible to create or import a .gitconfig file if you were logged in via LDAP or local authentication. Instead, you had to manually create a dedicated configmap for the a .gitconfig file in their namespace.

Endpoint-specific service for discoverable endpoints

When setting the discoverable: true attribute on a Devfile container component endpoint, a dedicated service will be created and used for the endpoint. For all other endpoints that do not set the discoverable: true attribute, the common workspace service will be used.

The dedicated service created for the endpoint will have a static name, corresponding to the endpoint's name. For instance, a service named http-python will be generated in the example endpoint defined below:

# Example endpoint with discoverable attribute
- exposure: public
  targetPort: 8080
  name: http-python
  protocol: http
  secure: true
    discoverable: true

Documentation for a minimal set of permissions for deploying Eclipse Che on OpenShift

The official documentation defines minimal permissions for installing Eclipse Che on an OpenShift cluster using CLI or web console UI starting from this release.

Bug Fixes

JetBrains IDE-based CDE should not depend on Node.js presence in a user's container

Previously, the tools container of the Cloud Development Environment (CDE) required Node.js to serve the JetBrains IDEA server stub web page. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Dashboard does not show the editors tags

Previously, the editors tags were not correctly displayed on the User Dashboard. The defect has been fixed in this release:

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 18 05 42

Opening links doesn't work in Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS")

In the Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") editor, clicking on links within welcome pages and project README files had no effect. This defect has been fixed in this release.

Temporary Storage switch does not work properly

Previously, the 'Temporary Storage' switch was not working correctly on the User Dashboard. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 18 10 16

Workspace creation is stopped after clicking Continue in the 'Trust the repository authors' pop-up

Previously if the admin configured allowed URLs for Cloud Development Environments, workspace creation was stopped after a user clicked on the 'Continue' button in the 'Trust the repository authors' pop-up. The defect has been fixed in this release.

The 'Untrusted Repository' pop-up re-appears when OAuth authorization is refused

Before this release, there was a known issue with OAuth authorization and the 'Untrusted Repository' pop-up. When you launched a factory with OAuth setup and refused the OAuth authorization prompt, the pop-up would reappear. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Workspace does not run after refusing OAuth authorization

Previously, if you refused the OAuth authorization the CDE would not start. The defect has been fixed in this release.


Unexpected error message 'No IDE URL after 20 sec during workspace startup'

Before this release, the error message could appear during a Cloud Development Environment (CDE) startup: 'No IDE URL after 20 sec during workspace startup'. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 18 02 00

Eclipse Che 7.92.0

26 Sep 10:06
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Major Enhancements

Restricting the total number of the 'Running' workspaces on a cluster

With this release, you can restrict the total number of the 'Running' workspaces on a cluster using the maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerCluster CheCluster CR property.

Learn more about this feature in the official documentation and the demo video.

Specifying the list of the allowed sources based on which CDEs can be started

With this release, you can specify the list of URLs based on which Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) can be initialized using the dedicated optional allowedSources CheCluster CR property:

     "devEnvironments": {
       "allowedSources": {
         "urls": ["url_1", "url_2"]

NOTE: When using this property, if a particular URL is not allowed explicitly by the admin, users will not be able to initialize and create CDEs based on this source:

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 16 50 48

Learn more about this feature in the official documentation.

IntelliJ 'WebStorm' and 'PyCharm' editors for remote development using JetBrains Gateway

IntelliJ 'WebStorm' and 'PyCharm' editors for remote development using JetBrains Gateway are available on the User Dashboard:

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 14 33 01

Passphrase configuration for SSH keys

With this release, you can specify a passphrase while adding a new SSH key using the "SSH Keys" tab in the User Preferences:

screenshot-eclipse-che apps rosa kd8yx-tndh6-rve jav8 p3 openshiftapps com-2024 08 01-09_52_48

Adding an option to deploy operands on specific cluster nodes

With this release, you can deploy operands managed by the operator (dashboard, gateway, plugin-registry etc.) on the specific cluster nodes using the dedicated nodeSelector and tolerations properties CR properties:


Possibility to hide some of the default editors on the User Dashboard

With this release, you can conceal editor definitions. This is useful when an admin wants to hide particular editor(s) from the Dashboard UI, e.g. remove the IntelliJ and have only Visual Studio Code - Open Source visible.

Learn more about the procedure in the official documentation.

Allow starting existing workspaces even if GitHub is down

Before this release, if GitHub OAuth was configured and GitHub was down, you could not start existing CDEs from this source. The defect has been fixed in this release and existing CDE will be started even if the OAuth provider is down with a dedicated warning message shown during start:

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 14 22 10

Support devfile endpoint annotations

With this release, you can provide endpoint annotations in the devfile. For example, the following devfile snippet will create an ingress or route with the annotation foo: bar on CDE startup:

  - container:
        - name: my-endpoint
            foo: bar

Provide a way to set the runtime class for all CDE pods using CheCluster CR

The spec.devEnvironments.runtimeClassName property has been added to the CheCluster CR. This property sets the spec.runtimeClassName for all CDE pods. The attribute for the CDE has precedence over the CheCluster spec.devEnvironments.runtimeClassName property.

Ignore the 'FailedScheduling' event by default when starting a CDE

With the release, the FailedScheduling event is the default value for the spec.devEnvironments.ignoredUnrecoverableEvents property. This is beneficial when the cluster has an autoscaler configured. If a CDE pod cannot be scheduled on any node causing a FailedScheduling event, the CDE startup will be retried when the new node is provisioned.

Bug Fixes

Dashboard is not available when using the CHE_FORCE_REFRESH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN property

Previously there was a known issue affecting workspaces using Azure DevOps, Bitbucket or GitHub providers in connection with the CHE_FORCE_REFRESH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN property. Every time you started a workspace, a new personal access token (PAT) was added and the previous one was not removed. When there were more than five existing PATs, you were not able to run the workspace, and the Dashboard was not available. The defect has been fixed in this release.

Previous CDEs error displayed during restart

Before this release, the error message from the previous start would sometimes be shown after the CDE restart which was confusing for the user:

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 17 41 23

The defect has been fixed in this release.

Eclipse Che 7.91.0

03 Sep 18:00
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Bug Fixes

SSH key invalid when added from the dashboard by pasting the key strings

Previously, pasting SSH keys from the User Preferences page in the Che Dashboard caused an invalid format error when cloning a git repository. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Missing Podman when a volume is mounted to /home/user/.local

When a persistent volume mount had a mount path of /home/user/.local, podman was missing in the CDE's Universal Developer Image (UDI) container. This bug has been fixed in the latest UDI version.

Untrusted repository warnings

In certain scenarios, the "Do you trust the authors of this repository" warning modal was reappearing for CDE starts and clicking "Continue" on the warning modal did not immediately start the CDE. These issues have been fixed in this release.


Closed issues

Upgrade version of devfile/api to 2.3.0 #23041
Untrusted source warning should not be shown when start existed workspace #23106
The Untrusted Repository modal reappears when the workspace starts #23097
Workspace should be started when click Continue button on Untrusted source warning window #23107
fix: operator tests for DS che-operator#1886
fix: upgrade axios che-dashboard#1176
Upgrade axios version che-code#405
Update dependencies che-code#398
fix: Updating procedure for namespace provisioning in advance che-docs#2779
fix: safe-to-evict annotation value che-docs#2780
Use consistent capitalization in error messages devworkspace-operator#1092