A competency framework for and by the digital learning industry
To incorporate the competencies into your project, you can add them as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/Wyver-Solutions/_digital-learning-competencies _digital-learning-competencies
The underscore is so the files work directly as a [https://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/](Jekyll collection). You will need to run the above command inside your Collections directory, and then use git pull
inside the submodule whenever you want to update.
- Competency area
- Sub-category
- Level 1: Foundation
- Level 2: Practioner
- Level 3: Advanced
- Sub-category
Each level contains text which describes what a person should be able to do who is working at that level in that area.
Descriptors use Bloom's taxonomy of verbs
Within the top section of the page you will find the data for the framework. It is stored between three dashes (---):
- title: The competency area
- ID: The ID code for the competency area
- description: The description of the competency area
- items: The list of sub-categories
- ID: The ID code for the sub-category
- name: The name of the sub-category
- L1: The descriptor for level 1
- L2: The descriptor for level 2
- L3: The descriptor for level 3
This set of files is designed primarily to work as a Jekyll Collection, but can also be used in any system which can iterate over files and over the YAML data contained within them.
If you would like to contribute, please either:
- Make comments within the issues section
- Clone this git repository, make changes, and then submit a pull request
The competency framework uses a non-commercial Creative Commons licence.
If you would like to use the competency framework commercially, please contact mberthelemy@wvyersolutions.co.uk