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Allan Roger Reid edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 14 revisions


SSH into control plane

ssh -p 20029 ubuntu@ -o "ServerAliveInterval=5" -o "ServerAliveCountMax=100000" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=off"

Persist sessions after logout

loginctl enable-linger ubuntu

Clone operator

cd ~
git clone
cd operator && git checkout master

Install essential packages

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install vim -y
sudo apt-get install zip -y
sudo apt-get install make -y
sudo apt install build-essential -y

Install go

cd ~
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
cat <<EOF >> $HOME/.profile 
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin
cat $HOME/.profile 
source $HOME/.profile
go version

Install nvm

sudo apt-get install nodejs -y
sudo apt-get install npm -y
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install && nvm use && sudo npm install -g yarn

Install podman on each node. Push newly compile operator to docker

sudo apt-get install podman -y
sudo apt-get install podman-docker -y

podman run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry registry:2

Note: make local registry insecure e.g. in /etc/containers/registries.conf on each node set


Edit Makefile

VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always)
VERSIONV ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always | sed 's,v,,g')
        @CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -trimpath -o minio-operator ./cmd/operator
docker: operator
        @docker buildx build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 -t $(TAG) .

Install then,

cd ~/operator && make build
podman tag localhost/minio/operator:dev
podman images
podman push --tls-verify=false
podman search --tls-verify=false
curl -X GET

Add on each node (also pull on each node e.g podman pull

sudo vi /etc/containerd/config.toml
        [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.configs."".tls] # edited line
          ca_file = "" # edited line
          cert_file = "" # edited line
          insecure_skip_verify = true # edited line
          key_file = "" # edited line

        [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.mirrors.""] # edited line
          endpoint = [""] # edited line

Install mc

mkdir -p ~/mc && cd ~/mc && rm -rf mc* && wget
chmod +x mc && cd ~

Build & install kubectl-minio plugin

cd ~/operator/kubectl-minio
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build --ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o ../kubectl-minio

Deploy minio

~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio init --image --console-image
SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n minio-operator get secret console-sa-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
echo $SA_TOKEN
kubectl patch service -n minio-operator console -p '{"spec":{"ports":[{"name": "http","port": 9090,"protocol": "TCP","nodePort":31090}],"type": "NodePort"}}'

Set default storage class

kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
kubectl get storageclass


Test cases


Test 0

Summary: As reported by user, Create using Console, Expand using Console, Decommission pool-0, Expand using Console Create tenant test in namespace myminio using Operator Console UI image

Port forward

kubectl --namespace myminio port-forward svc/test-hl 9000:9000 --address &
~/mc/mc alias set operator-1785 minioadmin minioadmin --insecure

Expand using Console image

Decommission pool-0, and remove from tenant yaml

~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785
│ ID  │ Pools                                                               │ Raw Drives Usage      │ Status │
│ 1st │ http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export │ 34.1% (total: 21 GiB) │ Active │
│ 2nd │ http://test-pool-1-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export │ 34.4% (total: 21 GiB) │ Active │

~/mc/mc admin decommission start operator-1785/ http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export
Decommission started successfully for `http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export`.

~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785
│ ID  │ Pools                                                               │ Raw Drives Usage      │ Status   │
│ 1st │ http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export │ 34.1% (total: 21 GiB) │ Complete │
│ 2nd │ http://test-pool-1-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export │ 34.4% (total: 21 GiB) │ Active   │

Remove pool-0 from tenant spec, delete all STS, and attempt to expand again Observe error image


kubectl delete ns myminio


Implement fix

cd ~/operator && git checkout improve-poolname-search
cd ~/operator/kubectl-minio
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build --ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o ../kubectl-minio

Compile and Push newly compile operator to docker. See above instructions for building

Deploy minio

~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio init --image --console-image
SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n minio-operator get secret console-sa-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
echo $SA_TOKEN
kubectl patch service -n minio-operator console -p '{"spec":{"ports":[{"name": "http","port": 9090,"protocol": "TCP","nodePort":31090}],"type": "NodePort"}}'

Test 1

Summary: Create tenant using console, Expand using kubectl-minio, Decommission pool-0, Expand using Console

kubectl delete ns myminio
kubectl create ns myminio

Create tenant in console with parameters --namespace myminio --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --disable-tls Port forward

kubectl --namespace myminio port-forward svc/test-hl 9000:9000 --address &
~/mc/mc alias set operator-1785 minioadmin minioadmin --insecure

Create PVs for pool-0 and pool-1 - See yaml below

kubectl -n myminio delete pv/pv-k8s-0-test-pool-{0..1}-{0..3}
kubectl apply -f ~/pv.yml

Expand with kubectl-minio plugin

~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio tenant expand test --pool pooltest --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Since volumes are mounted as root by default, on each k8s slave run

sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
sudo chown -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
ls -la /opt/local-path-provisioner/

Decommission pool-0, remove from tenant yaml and then delete STSs

~/mc/mc admin decommission start operator-1785/ http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export --insecure
~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785 --insecure

Delete all STS, and expand tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Expand again using the console

Expand again with kubectl-minio plugin (not specifying pool name)

~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio tenant expand test --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Observe pods are all scheduled

Console screenshot image


kubectl delete ns myminio

Test 2

Create tenant using kubectl-minio, Expand using console, Decommission 0pool, Expand using Console

kubectl delete ns myminio
kubectl create ns myminio

Create PVs for pool-0 and pool-1 - See yaml below

kubectl -n myminio delete pv/pv-k8s-0-test-pool-{0..1}-{0..3}
kubectl apply -f ~/pv.yml

Create tenant using kubectl-minio

~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio tenant create test --namespace myminio --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --disable-tls --pool 0pool

Since volumes are mounted as root by default, on each k8s slave run

sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
sudo chown -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-*
ls -la /opt/local-path-provisioner/

Port forward

kubectl --namespace myminio port-forward svc/test-hl 9000:9000 --address &
~/mc/mc alias set operator-1785 SFBN3US4KQAB3L70ZY8J MyDJKwBjWhGdQCqsUVy1MGuwwhzf29N9TvJNVX6P --insecure

Expand pod on tenant in console with parameters --pool pool-1 --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Decommission 0pool, remove from tenant yaml and then delete STSs

~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785
~/mc/mc admin decommission start operator-1785/ http://test-0pool-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export
~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785

Expand tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio Observe pods are all scheduled Console screenshot image


kubectl delete ns myminio

Test 3 (as reported by user)

Summary: Create tenant using Console, tenant using Expand Console, Decommission pool-0, Expand tenant using Console

kubectl delete ns myminio
kubectl create ns myminio

Create tenant in console with parameters --namespace myminio --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --disable-tls

Port forward

kubectl --namespace myminio port-forward svc/test-hl 9000:9000 --address &
~/mc/mc alias set operator-1785 minioadmin minioadmin --insecure

Expand pod on tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Decommission pool-0, remove from tenant yaml and then delete STSs

~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785
~/mc/mc admin decommission start operator-1785/ http://test-pool-0-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export
~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785

Expand tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Observe pods are all scheduled

Console screenshot image


kubectl delete ns myminio

Test 4

Create tenant using kubectl, Expand tenant using kubectl, Decommission pool-1, Expand tenant using Console

kubectl delete ns myminio
kubectl create ns myminio

Create PVs for pool-0 and pool-1 - See yaml below

kubectl -n myminio delete pv/pv-k8s-0-test-pool-{0..1}-{0..3}
kubectl apply -f ~/pv.yml

Since volumes are mounted as root by default, on each k8s slave run

sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/
sudo chown -R ubuntu /opt/local-path-provisioner/
sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/local-path-provisioner/
ls -la /opt/local-path-provisioner/

Create tenant using kubectl-minio ~/operator/kubectl-minio/kubectl-minio tenant create test --namespace myminio --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --disable-tls --pool pool-1

Port forward

kubectl --namespace myminio port-forward svc/test-hl 9000:9000 --address &
~/mc/mc alias set operator-1785 VNV1P1BG114MD401JLXE riSNDciaMfZR025jQBOjAd7oqiWUqtVmGvSQ9d0N --insecure

Expand pod on tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio

Decommission pool-1, remove from tenant yaml and then delete STSs

~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785
~/mc/mc admin decommission start operator-1785/ http://test-pool-1-{0...3}.test-hl.myminio.svc.cluster.local/export
~/mc/mc admin decommission status operator-1785

Expand tenant in console with parameters --servers 4 --volumes 4 --capacity 4Gi --namespace myminio Observe pods are all scheduled

Console screenshot image


kubectl delete ns myminio
Clone this wiki locally