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minio vm‐broker edit instance

Allan Roger Reid edited this page Nov 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

Once logged in navigate to Instances

Create an instance for testing. See

Click the Filter icon. Chose several example filter as in the example. Click Filter to see the results. Click Reset to see all instances again.


Add or remove columns by clicking the Columns icon.


Select the instance and delete it by clicking the Delete icon. Cancel the Delete action.


Click on the instance record. Observe a Summary of the instance details.


Navigate to Edit

Use the switch to stop the instance. image

Navigate to Accesses. Add or remove public key for SSH access.

Note: the command to access the instance is on the Edit page. image

Navigate to Audit.

Observe all the actions taken on the instance. image

Navigate to Backups.

Observe all the backups taken on the instance. Create a backup by clicking on Create Backup +. Refresh and delete using the respective buttons. image

Navigate back to Instances

Refresh the page by clicking the Refresh icon. Observe the status changes to Stopped image

Click the delete icon on the record. Confirm deletion.

image image

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