The Neural Compressor Model feature is used to encapsulate the behavior of model building and saving. By simply providing information such as different model formats and framework_specific_info, Neural Compressor performs optimizations and quantization on this model object and returns an Neural Compressor Model object for further model persisting or benchmarking. An Neural Compressor Model helps users to maintain necessary model information which is needed during optimization and quantization such as the input/output names, workspace path, and other model format knowledge. This helps unify the features gap brought by different model formats and frameworks.
Users can create, use, and save models in the following manner:
from neural_compressor import Quantization, common
quantizer = Quantization('./conf.yaml')
quantizer.model = common.Model('/path/to/model')
q_model = quantizer()
Model format | Parameters | Comments | Usage |
frozen pb | model(str): path to frozen pb framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Examples: ../examples/tensorflow/image_recognition ../examples/tensorflow/oob_models Save format: frozen pb |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the path of model, like ./path/to/frozen.pb |
Graph object | model(tf.compat.v1.Graph): tf.compat.v1.Graph object framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Examples: ../examples/tensorflow/style_transfer ../examples/tensorflow/recommendation/wide_deep_large_ds Save format: frozen pb |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the object of tf.compat.v1.Graph |
Graph object | model(tf.compat.v1.GraphDef) tf.compat.v1.GraphDef object framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: frozen pb |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the object of tf.compat.v1.GraphDef |
tf1.x checkpoint | model(str): path to checkpoint framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Examples: ../examples/helloworld/tf_example4 ../examples/tensorflow/object_detection Save format: frozen pb |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the path of model, like ./path/to/ckpt/ |
keras.Model object | model(tf.keras.Model): tf.keras.Model object framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: keras saved model |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the object of tf.keras.Model |
keras saved model | model(str): path to keras saved model framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Examples: ../examples/helloworld/tf_example2 Save format: keras saved model |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the path of model, like ./path/to/saved_model/ |
tf2.x saved model | model(str): path to saved model framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: saved model |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the path of model, like ./path/to/saved_model/ |
tf2.x h5 format model | TBD | ||
slim checkpoint | model(str): path to slim checkpoint framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Examples: ../examples/helloworld/tf_example3 Save format: frozen pb |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is thepath of model, like ./path/to/model.ckpt |
tf1.x saved model | model(str): path to saved model, framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework, such as input_tensor_names, input_tensor_names, workspace_path and name kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: saved model |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the path of model, like ./path/to/saved_model/ |
tf2.x checkpoint | Not support yes. As tf2.x checkpoint only has weight and does not contain any description of the computation, please use different tf2.x model for quantization |
The following methods can be used in the TensorFlow model:
graph_def = model.graph_def
input_tensor_names = model.input_tensor_names
model.input_tensor_names = input_tensor_names
output_tensor_names = model.output_tensor_names
model.output_tensor_names = output_tensor_names
input_node_names = model.input_node_names
output_node_names = model.output_node_names
input_tensor = model.input_tensor
output_tensor = model.output_tensor
Model format | Parameters | Comments | Usage |
mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock | model(mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock): mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock object framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: save_path.json |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock object |
mxnet.symbol.Symbol | model(tuple): tuple of symbol, arg_params, aux_params framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: save_path-symbol.json and save_path-0000.params |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is the tuple of symbol, arg_params, aux_params |
- Get symbol, arg_params, aux_params from symbol and param files.
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd
symbol = mx.sym.load(symbol_file_path)
save_dict = nd.load(param_file_path)
arg_params = {}
aux_params = {}
for k, v in save_dict.items():
tp, name = k.split(':', 1)
if tp == 'arg':
arg_params[name] = v
if tp == 'aux':
aux_params[name] = v
Model format | Parameters | Comments | Usage |
torch.nn.model | model(torch.nn.model): torch.nn.model object framework_specific_info(dict): information about model and framework kwargs(dict): other required parameters |
Save format: Without Intel PyTorch Extension(IPEX): /save_path/best_configure.yaml and /save_path/ With IPEX: /save_path/best_configure.json |
from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization, common quantizer = Quantization(args.config) quantizer.model = common.Model(model) q_model = quantizer() model is torch.nn.model object |
- Loading model:
# Without IPEX
from neural_compressor.utils.pytorch import load
quantized_model = load(
os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(Path)), model) # model is a fp32 model
# With IPEX
import intel_pytorch_extension as ipex # model is a fp32 model
new_model = torch.jit.script(model)
new_model = torch.jit.trace(model, torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224).to(ipex.DEVICE))
ipex_config_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.tuned_checkpoint),
conf = ipex.AmpConf(torch.int8, configure_file=ipex_config_path)
with torch.no_grad():
with ipex.AutoMixPrecision(conf, running_mode='inference'):
output = new_model(