Releases: Tencent/Hippy
2022-08-26, Version 2.14.6(LTS)
2022-08-23, Version 2.14.5(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
Android add
style support.Android 增加
样式支持。 -
Android set init complete after bridge ready to fix jsbundle loading sequence error.
Android 在 bridge 初始化完成增加 complete 标记,修复加载执行 jsbundle 潜在的时序问题。
Android fix borderRadius not working and radius scale issue in gif image.
Android 修复
和radius scale
在 gif 图不生效问题。 -
iOS fix textInput isFocused not working issue.
iOS 修复 textInput
特定场景不生效问题。 -
iOS fix turbo runtime not released in js thread.
iOS 修复 turbo runtime 在 js 线程不释放问题。
iOS fix padding not working on text's subview.
iOS 修复 Text 嵌套 subview 时 padding 不生效问题。
Bug Fixes
- android, ios: the final
may be dropped (#2377) (963992b) - android: add try-catch for NetInfoModule (258f9ac)
- android: gif borderRadius not working and radius scale issue (bb84fcd)
- android: handleRequestCookie error (2ff9388)
- android: set init complete after bridge ready (04c8bdc)
- core: fix code lint warnings (7f60759)
- devtools: remove v8 inspector flag for ios (f431ab5)
- homepage: fix secure problem for homepage redirect (a7b552f)
- ios: fix refresh component bug (36559b1)
- ios: fix scroll rtl for content view (2c7da42)
- ios: hippy-vue textInput isFocused not working (623b117)
- ios: padding not working on text's subview (65676f0)
- ios: turbo runtime must release in js thread (5f96fae)
- vue: fix regular expressions catastrophic backtracking (510a587)
- vue: revert a catastrophic backtracking fix (2fbb0d9)
2022-08-10, Version 2.14.4(LTS)
2022-08-03, Version 2.14.3(LTS)
- vue: fix static style not updated in some case (830b557)
2022-08-01, Version 2.14.2(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
Android support breakStrategy prop for Text and TextInput.
Android Text 和 TextInput 组件支持
换行特性。 -
DevTools support multi jscontext debug.
DevTools 支持多 jscontext 调试。
Android/iOS fix
can not be used inside otherListView
.Android/iOS 修复
中的使用问题。 -
Android fix horizontal
cannot scroll in other scrollable component.Android 修复水平
Bug Fixes
- android: horizontal
cannot scroll in other scrollable (724d4af) - android: listview can not scroll inside other listview (d92ac95)
- buildcore: fix buildcore script (4bce58c)
- image: fix image border path not reset (cfb800d)
- ios: direction is for shadow view ,not view (63189f7)
- ios: fix a potential null pointer when waterfallview cell resuse (e50fc40)
- ios: fix HippyDevLoadingView shows in release environment (37faba6)
- ios: nested listview may not get rendered (bb12159)
- ios: radius must be smaller than half of component's length (0e97ad0)
- ios: roottag property should not be updated (34ca26f)
- ios: try to avoid cases where result is NAN (7989dbe)
2022-07-25, Version 2.14.1(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
Android/iOS add
method forTextInput
.安卓/iOS 增加
方法来判断聚焦状态。 -
component support moreellipsizeMode
模式。 -
Android specify the
version used.安卓指定
版本使用。 -
Android RecyclerView support horizontal PullHeader & PullFooter.
安卓 RecyclerView 支持水平方向 ListView 使用 PullHeader 和 PullFooter。
Android set image default background color to TRANSPARENT.
Android fix collapsable check at attribute.
不能在 attribute 上设置的问题。 -
Android set mini sdk version to 21.
安卓设置最低 SDK 版本到 21。
iOS support skew animation.
iOS 支持 skew 动画。
iOS add promise unhandledrejection event support.
iOS 支持 promise unhandledrejection 事件。
iOS fix memory leaks for block usage.
iOS 修复 block 使用上的内存泄漏。
DevTools will disconnect websocket when closed.
DevTools 在关闭时断开 WebSocket 链接。
hippy-react-web fix browser does not support addRule.
hippy-react-web 修复浏览器不支持 addRule 的问题。
hippy-react-web fix image onClick event does not emit.
hippy-react-web 修复图片组件不能绑定
事件。 -
hippy-react-web support ListView PullFooter.
hippy-react-web 支持 ListView PullFooter 组件。
hippy-vue perf attributes & style update performance.
hippy-vue 优化属性和样式更新性能。
hippy-vue-css-loader support letter-spacing.
hippy-vue-css-loader 支持 letter-spacing 解析。
hippy-vue-css-loader fixed collapsable boolean convert error.
hippy-vue-css-loader 修复
Bug Fixes
- android: add on error call back for get image (17e1481)
- android: call function callback reuse (03e5931)
- android: check collapsable at attribute (46a7d80)
- android: fix the
flag does not take effect (a293fdc) - android: fix websocket frame for ping and close (016cda1)
- Android: hippypager layout and pageselect event (efbdd38)
- android: implicit narrowing conversion in compound assignment (133a8d4)
- android: re implementation progress long value switch to int (cd1071e)
- android: remove unnecessary dir form git ignore (c06e14e)
- android: reset hippy view group clip children to true (6e98859)
- android: set default background color to TRANSPARENT (c6822da)
- android: set mini sdk version to 21 (6fc5871)
- android: viewpager scrollEnabled (252089f)
- Android: web socket client boolean to AtomicBoolean (c267f9e)
- core: fix CreateJSCString bug (1a463ec)
- devtools: disconnect ws when close (c827e8c)
- devtools: fix elements reload and update bug (#2272) (f6912ed)
- devtools: fix mini scale for screen cast (c0e837e)
- example: change webrenderer version (d6af3b5)
- hippy-react-web: add unhandleRejection event handler (145364b)
- hippy-react-web: fix borwser does not support addRule (1b30755)
- hippy-react-web: fix error handler (d289f39)
- hippy-react-web: fix img onClick envet does not emit (2d4d57b)
- hippy-react-web: support ListView renderPullFooter (#2166) (95fc4c5)
- hippy-vue-css-loader: support to parse letter-spacing (7b404f5)
- ios: async image load to avoid downsampling stuck (9dc36a1)
- iOS: async runloop to main thread (c5638e7)
- ios: check weak self status (6c64f41)
- ios: fix a dead lock (a6cf131)
- ios: fix memory leaks for block usage (a1fd07b)
- ios: fix potential crash due to dangling pointer (25af245)
- ios: fix potentian crash due to dangling pointer (74ea629)
- ios: fix undo crash for uitextfiled component (0f5bb91)
- ios: no more ceiling item height (76421c1)
- ios: reset properties if value is null (de6482d)
- ios: try to avoid destroying variables in use (ac705fb)
- ios: use smart pointer instead of non-smart pointer (d648eda)
- npm: update got from vulnerable to safe version (0987946)
- npm: update lerna to fix vulernable npm package (6dcdd9c)
- npm: update vulnerable npm packages (a06bae2)
- react: add ref null judgement for getElementFromFiberRef (eb55f3e)
- vue-css-loader: fixed collapsable boolean convert error (e49d3b5)
- workflows: fix CodeQL analysis failure problem (177b81b)
- workflows: fix CodeQL not working as expected (4ff2e82)
- workflows: fix the problem that CodeQL results are not generated (41fed9b)
- android: add
prop support forText
componment (#2221) (2ec6c70) - android: change compiler options based on LLVM 12 (deebf6f)
- android: merge TVHippySdk to master (31c4cf5)
- android: modify the
to specify theV8
version (eacfde3) - android: remove useless override method (9466a2e)
- android: set hippy view group clip children to false (54485b0)
- android: specify the
version used (3452763) - android: support horizontal PullHeader & PullFooter (#2268) (d6b662a)
- core: add
method forTextInput
(c84a566) - core: update docs ([3527693](http...
2022-07-20, Version 2.13.13(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- android: set default background color to TRANSPARENT (eadd0fd)
2022-07-13, Version 2.13.12(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- ios: check cookie availabity before commit (4fc91e4)
- ios: fix a crash caused by thread race (0453be0)
- ios: fix a crash caused by thread race (c092ea5)
- ios: fix border bottom color display error (4425284)
- ios: fix memory leaks (d0dd9ef)
- ios: fix zpoistion error for indicator and header view (90edc45)
- ios: reset properties if value is null (f79214e)
2022-06-22, Version 2.14.0(LTS)
Notable Changes
Android replace old
with androidXRecyclerView
. -
Android upgrade recommend
version to9.8-lkgr
. -
Android support Flex
. -
Android support synchronous restoreInstanceState.
Android support to customize default font family.
Android support getNativeParams from HippyEngineContext.
iOS add TextInput keyboard height changed event.
iOS support border style for ListViewItem.
iOS fix border bottom color display error.
Android/iOS support
request parameters with other customized options. -
Android/iOS support cookies clear ability and fix wrong
returned value if cookies expire. HippyReact | HippyVue -
hippy-react-web publish
breaking changes version
with all new components and modules. -
hippy-react/vue improve attributes update performance.
hippy-react/vue support
with time delay options. HippyReact | HippyVue -
hippy-vue add animation
callback hook. -
hippy-vue remove compatible process for
endReached & loadMore event. -
Devtools support
. -
CI add Hippy Infra Packages(HIP) related workflows and replace Android local
. -
Homepage add English documents.
Bug Fixes
- android: add RecyclerView extra class name (b124434)
- android: crash of sticky item view (f2c78d1)
- android: fix
inspector does not work (a0e65b8) - android: fix
inspector does not work (f53df58) - android: fix java lint warnings (bbff285)
- android: fix occasional crash when jsi convert (ff7e298)
- android: handle ACTION_CANCEL in scroll view onTouchEvent (2b847db)
- android: pull foot and header can exist at same time (b435496)
- android: should catch exception from CookieManager.getInstance() (7b8fda3)
- ci: fix android build tests workflow throw
gradle not found
error (2a0fb62) - ci: fix front-end bypass jobs event issue (e962e61)
- cmake: disable outline atomics on android (d7a5a43)
- cmake: fix
not automatically registered problem (463a5d5) - cmake: fix typo problems (723a6d1)
- core: add ios dimensions getter & setter and combine logic (255500d)
- devtools: support node 17 for md4 hash (41a4695)
- docker: use 2.7 version of
instead (41655ed) - docs: add debug access introduction (11ddb53)
- docs: update debug for android debug mode (f2e41b3)
- hippy-react-web: fix hippy-react-web some issues (#1850) (43b785b)
- hippy-vue: update hippy-vue node test (14d2242)
- ios: adjust text layout (fe4a6f7)
- ios: check cookie availabity before commit (b902ad8)
- ios: fix a crash caused by thread race (b63148e)
- ios: fix a crash caused by thread race (5291ab6)
- ios: fix border bottom color display error (1f342b2)
- ios: fix crash due to null pointer (5df3cfb)
- ios: fix memory leaks (ae4be6b)
- ios: fix refresh bug for header refresh and footer refresh (9fb451f)
- ios: fix refresh component delay reset bug (0157ebe)
- ios: fix zpoistion error for indicator and header view (8a045d8)
- ios: modify cookie setting logic (e4a8c87)
- workflows: add accessible permission to avoid error (0f17bdc)
- android: add gradlew script execute permission (7a45c0e)
- android: add initialContentOffset support for recycle view (63f7ef4)
- android: change one byte string encoding (d55d214)
- android: fix and provide
command support (4608ea1) - android: modify the
inspector macro definition (dc4df92) - android: remove unused cmake variable (3790d47)
- android: remove unused visual studio project (2b99eac)
- android: remove useless jni third_party (a65fbb1)
- android: restructure pull header and footer (bd5b6ea)
- android: support getNativeParams from HippyEngineContext (91a8b8e)
- android: support HippyHttpRequest get NativeParams (69898bb)
- android: support host customize default font family (#1839) (c14e06a)
- android: support sync restoreInstanceState (79f3307)
- android: support wrap-reverse and space-evenly (#742) (27e7bad)
- android: upgrade recommend
version to 9.8-lkgr (58402df) - android: use androidX recyclerView (3ad6355)
- android: use HIP(hippy-infa-packages) to replace local
(0ed2f79) - cmake: add unified compiler toolchain (7713364)
- cmake: do not overwrite original value (cd7df69)
- core: support other options for fetch request (762494a)
- devtools: support devtools connect after disconnect (462d121)
- devtools: support devtools reload and u...