Releases: Tencent/Hippy
Releases · Tencent/Hippy
2021-01-19, Version 2.3.2(LTS)
2021-01-13, Version 2.3.1(LTS)
2021-01-11, Version 2.3.0(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- android: revert RecyclerViewBase onTouchMove call (2bbf339)
- core: fix exception rethrow bug (60cf9cc)
- hippy-react-web: correctly add px to number style values (f774726)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: fixed listview appear & disappear event (86c02fd)
- ios: fix a notification error with wrong object (ae8fa7f)
- ios: fix header file include error (7786837)
- ios: fix image show when image source did not change (a67e81d)
- ios: onPulling will occur on right number (f79d99d)
- ios: remove an unused gesture (7259e94)
- ios: remove check numberOfRows property (269a75c)
- core: add delloc event (b11ae13)
- hippy-react: forward Text ref (5595dc1)
- hippy-react-web: added ScrollView scrollEnabled attribute (efb1ea1)
- hippy-vue-demo,hippy-react-demo: add dynamic import demo (c4f357b)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: added willAppear & willDisappear event (d0eb0f1)
- ios: add appear event for cell in list view (#496) (2b9b653)
2021-01-04, Version 2.2.2(LTS)
2020-12-29, Version 2.2.1(LTS)
2020-12-29, Version 2.2.0(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- android: local image uri start with file:// (34ba5cf)
- core: add jni code (f5451fd)
- hippy-core: fixed network header default type (#466) (2879afc)
- hippy-react-web: fixed api to web issues and some warnings (#456) (80efec7)
- hippy-react,hippy-vue: fixed boxShadow annotation (#460) (fceb70e)
2020-12-24, Version 2.1.6(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- android: add shadow offset props (0f8eb08)
- android: draw shadow with border radius (87a608a)
- hippy-react: fixed hairlineWidth NaN in ios (82faee1)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: compatible loadMore and endReached event (#429) (d992cbe)
- ios: fix crash caused by a nil pScope (2ae1349)
- ios: fix memory leaks in HippyBaseListViewCell (#453) (39d1760)
- ios: hippy image loader will search the cache (c13f4d1)
- demo: perf demo dev debug experience (#452) (20fda8c)
- hippy-react: added hippy-react boxShadow attr and demo (#458) (6fd6a34)
- hippy-vue: change boxShadowOffset standard format (7be6617)
- hippy-vue: vue css selectors support dynamic import (#440) (3baa571)
- hippy-vue-example: change dev cssloader path (#451) (795bf75)
2020-12-11, Version 2.1.5(LTS)
2020-12-03, Version 2.1.4(LTS)
2020-11-24, Version 2.1.2(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- hippy-debug-server: fixed the way the server read from file (#405) (fa16ee8)
- hippy-debug-server: response 404 when file not found (#410) (8b161a8)
- ios: change way to get bridge property (1f7a843)
- ios: fix bugs that some js exceptions may not be caught (629fa22)
- ios: fix loop count property (7a3f093)
- ios: fix loop count property (6d44bf4)
- ios: fix multiple thread competion (f281bd1)
- ios: fix the bug that get wrong _bridge value (b4132c7)
- ios: fix threads competion bugs (258a480)
- ios: have to consider an exception for QB (9d4f724)
- ios: jscontextref held by jscontextgroupref cannot be deallocated (e85e0a3)
- ios: now modal component property will be set corrently (0fbc5ad)
- ios: use isEqualToString for NSString comparison (fef7971)
- hippy-debug-server: modify debug server to support multiple files (#411) (508ec9f)
- hippy-vue: added iOS12 statusBarHeight (d33e993)
- hippy-vue, hippy-react: changeTryConvertNumberCompatibility (714faaf)
- ios: add method for HippyBridge (a24dbfd)
- ios: check necessity of reloading image for HippyImageView (34ce4eb)
- ios: fix incorrect of image cache (c00c344)
- ios: increase error infomation propery (f2f24e8)
- ios: modify pod config file (d889fd4)
- ios: perfect error function (dbfefd5)
- ios: set predrawing no for animated image (d80b04a)