Releases: Tencent/Hippy
2023-02-08, Version 2.14.10(LTS)
2022-12-07, Version 2.15.5(LTS)
2022-12-05, Version 2.15.4(Deprecated)
Bug Fixes
- android: fix JSI cause JNI local reference table overflow (53fe87d)
- android: nested scroll conflict (537c5a1)
- android: nested scroll conflicts with pull refresh (fdd9667)
- core: fix the problem of multi-threading at startup time (b6b6fef)
- vue: add beforeRenderToNative hook to support computed style (294e55e)
2022-11-25, Version 2.15.3(Deprecated)
Notable Changes 重要更新
Android/iOS add getBoundingClientRect method. React DEMO | Vue DEMO
方法,取代原有 measureInWindow 和 measureInAppWindow。React DEMO | Vue DEMO -
Android/iOS add load result param for webView's onLoadEnd api.
Android/iOS 增加 WebView onLoadEnd API 参数。
Android add performance api for new x5 v8.
Android 增加 X5 V8 performance api。
Android waterfall banner not affected by parent horizontal padding.
Android 消除瀑布流 banner 受父组件 padding 的影响。
Android fix
OOM crash when inspector enable the js debugger.Android 修复
调试断点时 OOM 问题。 -
Android fix horizontal scroll view smoothScrollToPage crash.
Android 修复水平滚动的 ScrollView smoothScrollToPage 崩溃问题。
iOS correct hittest when view has animation
iOS 修正带有动画的 View hittest 时的问题。
iOS fix subviews of animated view cannot be clicked.
iOS 修正带有动画 View 的子 View 不能点击问题
hippy-vue add whitespace handler config.
hippy-vue 增加文本空格处理配置。
hippy-vue ignore to append existed node to improve router performance.
hippy-vue 忽略添加已有节点来提升 router 切换性能。
Bug Fixes
- android: edit
callback format (080afd4) - android: horizontal scroll view smoothScrollToPage crash (e965de7)
- android: waterfall banner not affected by parent honrizon padding; (f6d6f30)
- ios: correct hittest when view has animation (779d813)
- iOS: delete tmp log (9174cad)
- ios: edit
callback format (60e5d98) - ios: need to extern as C if cpp is defined (3c8b4dc)
- iOS: refresh header not rebound automatically (9815a23)
- ios: subviews of animated view cannot be clicked (99379c3)
- react,vue: change measureInAppWindow error return value (2a96aaf)
- react,vue: fix getBoundingClientRect errMsg syntax (8348fef)
- v8: fix
OOM crash when inspector enable the js debugger (f052977) - vue-css-loader: update loader-utils to safe version (aca8175)
- workflow: fix CodeQL exception when default run (615600b)
- workflows: fix backtrace parsing incorrect problem in crash report (af4b1cc)
- workflows: fix CodeQL languages detection bug on PR request (fe2446d)
- android,ios,js: add getBoundingClientRect method (#2651) (92ab25b), closes #4
- ci: implement iOS project artifact compare (bb2c868)
- core: adapt to different v8 versions (5a9723f)
- core: add performance api for new x5 v8 (991f4fe)
- ios,android,vue: add load result param for webView's onLoadEnd api (#2667) (bbdd9ae)
- v8: heap limit increases considering the old generation capacity (6ddecf8)
- vue: add whitespace handler config (8a65d23)
- workflows:
project adaptation (219b532) - workflows: add project code line exclude files support (d104760)
- workflows: change
project scheme name (1100b8d) - workflows: iOS build tests add different configurations (36f624b)
- workflows: remove unnecessary
installation step (4682c3c)
Performance Improvements
- vue: ignore to append existed node to improve router performance (cc24c27)
2022-11-07, Version 2.15.2(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
hippy-vue support to merge styles on root element of child component.
hippy-vue 支持子组件根节点样式合并。
Android fix pull header not showing for horizontal list.
Android 修复 PullHeader 在水平 ListView不显示问题。
Android fix setTextColor not working.
Android 修复 setTextColor 不生效问题。
iOS need to callback when url loading error.
iOS 修复在url 加载错误时 callback 没调用问题。
Bug Fixes
- android: add copyright header for ClipboardModule (d82ba9b)
- android: fix setTextColor not working (a533c22)
- android: pull header not showing for horizontal list (3496fe4)
- android: remove redundant getPrimaryClip (4b3ff38)
- iOS: jsi convert Chinese string error (321f738)
- ios: need to callback when url loading error (d140593)
- iOS: retain cycle with vc and bridge (#2591) (ecafb62)
- vue: support to merge styles on root element of child component (efea081)
2022-11-07, Version 2.14.9(LTS)
Bug Fixes
- android: empty text node height compatibility (f9bf570)
2022-11-07, Version 2.14.8(LTS)
2022-10-26, Version 2.15.1(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
hippy-vue support deep selector & fix attribute selector issue.
hippy-vue 支持 deep 深度选择器 并修复属性选择器问题。
Android fix sticky item incorrect height after refresh.
Android 修复 ListView Sticky 元素刷新后高度异常问题。
iOS avoid CTTelephony's occasional crash
iOS 修复 CTTelephony 偶然 crash 问题。
iOS avoid a thread race for image component
iOS 修复图片组件线程竞争问题。
DevTools add report parameters.
DevTools 增加上报字段。
- android: sticky item has incorrect height after refresh (76694c5)
- homepage: fix Bad HTML filtering regexp (2575799)
- ios: avoid a thread race for image component (8541e28)
- ios: avoid CTTelephony's occasional crash (c2536f3)
- ios: fix image view dangling pointer (60b17db)
- ios: no animation for frame reset (ba43d47)
- ios: virtual nodes need to be flushed (be96c20)
- devtools: devtools report (#2556) (37eb1c2)
- vue: fix attribute selector & support deep selector (87ce13e)
Performance Improvements
2022-10-14, Version 2.15.0(LTS)
Notable Changes 重要更新
hippy-vue support
hippy-vue 支持
。 -
hippy-vue support scoped style.
hippy-vue 支持 scoped 样式
hippy-vue perf first screen attributes node update
hippy-vue 优化首屏节点属性更新频次。
hippy-react add
to listen global events.hippy-react 增加全新
来监听全局事件 -
Android support v8 version to 10.6.194
Android 升级 v8 引擎版本到 10.6.194。
Export v8 related methods to java
暴露 v8 相关方法给 Java 侧调用。
Support JS call v8 performance memory API.
支持 JS 调用 v8 performance memory API。
Android provide sdk version information
Android 增加获取 SDK 版本 API。
Android add
method forListView
Android 增加 ListView
方法。 -
Android support Waterfall banner
Android 支持瀑布流 Banner 设置。
Bug Fixes
- android:
event gives wrong value (8850523) - android: empty text node height compatibility (700697f)
- android: implement
(c978c85) - android: prevent
inlining (472404c) - android: WebView backgroundColor not working (07e4dd2)
- core: compatible with lower version v8 for memory feature (7d3b773)
- core: fix inspector crash (806f240)
- core: revert hippy1.x compatible code (4722e88)
- debug-server: fix wepback & node md4 hash not campatible (e4753e5)
- docs, android:
method forListView
(#2494) (08d38dc) - hippy-react: support to emit multi parameters for HippyEvent (0b84e88)
- ios: add assert for url creation failure (26ef050)
- ios: fix memory leaks in network module (0c172a9)
- ios: fix touch gesture no touch.view (9378959)
- ios: needs to reset showing state when cell prepares for reusing (a5e9e00)
- ios: scrollview: scrollToWithDuration not trigger OnScroll (7a8b9e7)
- script: fix build script error (d219a12)
- vue-next: add missing modules & perf docs (6046d2c)
- vue-next: fix syntax errors (93faab4)
- vue: fix web-renderer script (34cc959)
- vue: set id for root view to fix style missed (2dc9db5)
- workflows: fix workflow file syntax exception (1ed405e)
- android: add v8 memory(heap) to performance (7b03a60)
- android: provide sdk version information (8f0cfe6)
- android: provide sdk version information (a9a9f40)
- android: serialization support version 15 data (270775c)
- android: support v8 version to 10.6.194 (e345701)
- android: update docs and demo for android waterfall banner render; (#2412) (5fe65e9)
- android: update to use C++17 standard (250a4aa)
- core: export v8 method to java (9a577ab)
- hippy-react: add HippyEvent to listen global events (93a291a)
- hippy-vue-next: support vue3.x (#2357) (0445c4e)
- ios: listview stick cell wrong offset while refreshing (#2523) (e246165)
- vue-css-loader: change dist file name to be parsed by vue-loader (b5d94e4)
- vue-next: add web-renderer script (1be39dc)
- vue-next: refactor type definition files place (#2542) (202dccb)
- vue: add getElemCss scoped judgement (e9ea3f8)
- vue: perf first screen attributes node update (dcd7459)
- vue: support scoped & attribute selector (772a698)
Performance Improvements
- ios: use respondsToSelector instead of conformsToProtocol (cb2b2b8)