What's Changed
- Metadata file support by @SergeySukhanov in #75
- Detection of execution engine mode on the fly. Simultaneously support docker and tarball modes. (#64, #66, #68) by @dmitrys-odysseus in #71
- Fixes submissions list by @SergeySukhanov in #70
- Disabled Environment in Docker mode by @SergeySukhanov in #74
- Get rid of active transaction when sending analysis to EE. by @dmitrys-odysseus in #76
- Fix for wrong status by @SergeySukhanov in #78
- When calling /api/v1/analysis/{parentId}/results/list when results are not available yet, avoid ZipException by @dmitrys-odysseus in #79 #80
- Clean up and documentation updates by @konstjar in #81
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3