Releases: OHDSI/Arachne
Releases · OHDSI/Arachne
What's Changed
- Implemented JPA Sorting, Pagination, and Added Cucumber Tests by @YaroslavTir in #116
- Fix Cannot create submission for empty list of environments by @YaroslavTir in #114
- The DEAD state isn’t there anymore. It’s now a combination of the FAI… by @YaroslavTir in #118
- The list of the Incomplete submission was defended incorrectly by @YaroslavTir in #120
- Wrong type for the analysis_state_journal.error by @YaroslavTir in #121
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
What's Changed
- #13 In WebConfig, add mappings for "/submissions" and "/administration/**" to index.html by @dmitrys-odysseus in #85
- Connection check API (#11), fix duplicate name check (#10) by @dmitrys-odysseus in #91
- Issues #96 and #98 by @SergeySukhanov in #99
- Decommission now obsolete arachne-common-utils module by @dmitrys-odysseus in #101
- #62 Update GET /api/v1/analysis/{id} endpoint to provide list of files to show as potential entry points by @dmitrys-odysseus in #100
- Upgrade for the UI packages by @konstjar in #92
- Switch to consistently use the same java.nio methods to iterate over analysis directory for all related operations by @dmitrys-odysseus in #102
- Uniform error handling based on HTTP error codes by @dmitrys-odysseus in #103
- Environment is not available by @YaroslavTir in #106
- Upgrade org.postgresql:postgresql from 42.3.9 to 42.7.4 by @konstjar in #86
- Issues #62 issue#83 issue#95 by @SergeySukhanov in #107 #108
- Issue #73 by @SergeySukhanov in #109
- Fix entry point by @SergeySukhanov in #111
- #72 Endpoints to preupload analysis to server and provide frontend with metadata and entry point list by @dmitrys-odysseus in #104
- #73 Add support for additional ENV parameters to be stored with analysis and sent to execution engine by @dmitrys-odysseus in #112
New Contributors
- @YaroslavTir made their first contribution in #106
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4
What's Changed
- Metadata file support by @SergeySukhanov in #75
- Detection of execution engine mode on the fly. Simultaneously support docker and tarball modes. (#64, #66, #68) by @dmitrys-odysseus in #71
- Fixes submissions list by @SergeySukhanov in #70
- Disabled Environment in Docker mode by @SergeySukhanov in #74
- Get rid of active transaction when sending analysis to EE. by @dmitrys-odysseus in #76
- Fix for wrong status by @SergeySukhanov in #78
- When calling /api/v1/analysis/{parentId}/results/list when results are not available yet, avoid ZipException by @dmitrys-odysseus in #79 #80
- Clean up and documentation updates by @konstjar in #81
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
What's Changed
- applying format HH:MM:SS to Duration field Tooltip on Submissions Table by @odbz in #51
- Extend documentation by @konstjar in #54
- Fix the runtime image tag by @konstjar in #55
- #22 Avoid logging out active user by @dmitrys-odysseus in #58
- #32 Provide endpoint for engine status and update analysis status when disconnected engine reconnects by @dmitrys-odysseus in #59
- Get rid of dependency on CommonFileUtils from EE commons by @dmitrys-odysseus in #60
- [Snyk] Security upgrade amazoncorretto from 8u402 to 8u412 by @konstjar in #63
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
What's Changed
- Documentation and Deployment scripts by @konstjar in #3
- Updates in deployment script to reflect container-container communication by @konstjar in #35
- Fixes the problem with truncated password hash from #28 and #24 by @konstjar in #39
- Pull policy by @konstjar in #40
- Update Base Image by @konstjar in #44
- Fix issue #27 by @odbz in #42
- Fix issue #14 by @odbz in #46
- Fix issue #26 by @odbz in #45
- Fix issue #37 by @odbz in #50
- Fix issue #10 by @odbz in #47
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1