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Mirsario edited this page Apr 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

Difficulty & Balance

Overhaul rebalances the game's game modes, aiming to turn them into actual "skill levels" with no content gating, as well as equalize resourceplay-affecting values such as enemy health, getting rid of bullet sponges in the process. The new skill levels also have new idiosyncratic names and improved descriptions.

Names & Descriptions

  • Journey

    The Creative / Accessibility mode (For those who want to be in control)

  • I'm Too Young To Mine (Normal)

    Less damage from enemies, but same rewards (For the easy-going)

  • Turn Me Undead (Expert)

    The new standard experience (For those who like a fair challenge)

  • I Am Cthulhu Incarnate (Master)

    Extreme punishment and new rewards (For the truly ruthless)

Current Changes

Many values are equalized around Expert, while damage to player is slightly increased on Normal & Master.

Vanilla Name
Overhaul Name
I'm Too Young To Mine
Turn Me Undead
I Am Cthulhu Incarnate
Damage to Player 1.001.25 2.00 3.003.25
Enemy Health 1.002.00 2.00 3.002.00
Enemy Defense 1.00 1.00 1.00
Enemy Knockback* 1.00 0.901.00 0.801.00
Money Drops 1.001.75 2.501.75 2.501.75
Debuff Length 1.00 2.001.00 2.501.00
* - Knockback done to Enemies.

Planned Changes

This area of the mod is currently a work-in-progress. Planned changes are:

  • Further balancing.
  • Remove gameplay-affecting skill gating by "backporting" the vanilla Expert/Master-exclusive changes to Normal, that is: the boss AI, loot, and the new enemies such as the Armed Zombies.
  • Improve the world creation screen to communicate Overhaul's difficulty changes to the player.


  • 5.0: Introduced.
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