Releases: MartinSVK12/signalindustries
Releases · MartinSVK12/signalindustries
- Added a way to control the wings flight speed.
- Made the drill work as a shovel too.
- Added Too Many Blocks support.
- Added quest to explain the working of the pulsar attachment.
- Power suit now saves state (no more falling out of the sky while using wings on world reload).
- Updated to use the new simple energy API from Catalyst.
- Made monster shard drops more common.
- Added the Parallel Processors!
- Allows machines to carry out multiple recipes at once.
- Added GUIs to multiblocks that did not have them already, displaying their status.
- Added a system to allow replacing casings of multiblocks with other auxiliary blocks.
- Fixed conveyor covers.
- Other small fixes.
- Disabled the Tome of Raziel for now (awaits rework).
- ROM chips can now spawn in dungeons and are more common in general.
- Movement boosters got a speed increase.
- Fix movement booster energy usage bug.
- Reduced dynamo energy cost from 40 to 20.
- Fixed reinforced chamber not being capable of combining larger crystals.
- Removed energy cost from night vision attachment (you still need to have some amount of it though).
- Dilithium crystal blocks no longer have a random chance to drop nothing.
- Several fixes by bigjango13, thanks!
- Other fixes.
- Fixed a bug with the induction smelter where it consumed more items in processing than it was supposed to.
- Added missing recipes for reinforced-tier machines.
- Fixed a bug where storage containers reset when they had more than 256 items stored in them.
Full Changelog: 0.19.0...0.19.1
- Added shift-click functionality to most machines.
- Added more quests targeting the reinforced tier (not finished yet though).
- Added the Reinforced Signalite Collector!
- Added the Basic Stoneworks!
- Makes various stones out of water and lava.
- Glowing obsidian recipe now only needs 1 obsidian.
- Made water pump not consume any energy.
- Lava pumping recipe energy cost reduced significantly.
- Pumps are now somewhat faster.
- Drastically reduced the operating cost of all Boosters.
- Meteor showers can no longer happen in the nether.
- Conduit hitbox will now be the size of full blocks if any multipart is placed.
- Reduced amount of signalite dust needed in saturated alloy infuser recipe.
- Fix goggles being able to open the harness gui.
- Dilithium rails are now cheaper and faster.
- Fixed a bug that deleted buckets on interaction with fluid tanks.
- Language fixes.
- Recipe fixes.
Full Changelog: 0.18.0...0.19.0
1st Anniversary Update!
First reach towards the final tier: Awakened!
- Added the Warp Gate, a giant portal to anywhere.
- 4 new multiblocks that will act as entry points to the Awakened tier:
- Waking Crusher, Alloy Smelter, Infuser, Plate Former
- A lot of recipes added for Awakened-tier stuff.
A fair amount of renaming and adjustments.
- Most important:
- Signalum Crystal -> Signalite Crystal
- Signalum Energy -> Signaling Energy
- Evil Catalyst -> Evil Eye
- Energy Catalyst -> Split into: Clear Key & Saturated Key
- Most important:
New, slimmer, design for the Signalite Reactor.
New building blocks that can be used in multiblocks.
Reinforced Meteor Tracker: To help collecting all the materials needed now.
New painting by TheMidford.
New achievements!
Bugfixes and community improvements.
Community Contributions:
- Make conduit AABB not a full block by @Bigjango13 in #19
- Implement IInventory for storage containers (for mod interop) by @Bigjango13 in #21
New Contributors:
- @Bigjango13 made their first contribution in #19
Full Changelog: 0.17.0...0.18.0
- Added support for Catalyst: Multiparts
- You can now place parts like foils and covers onto conduits.
- Fixed some typos.
- Index pages can now be turned with arrow keys (in addition to +, - on the numpad)
Full Changelog: 0.16.0...0.17.0
- Added Blueprints
- Item that a structure can be saved into
- Added the Builder
- Builds structures according to blueprints
- Code cleanup
- Fixed some bugs and inconsistencies
Full Changelog: 0.15.1...0.16.0
- Fixed config crashing the game.
Full Changelog: 0.15.0...0.15.1
- Several changes and improvements to the Automatic Miner
- Added the Spacetime Maintainer, a chunkloader.
- It will have to be enabled in the config before being usable.
- Added a lot of Basic-tier quests.
- Vintage Questing needs to be installed and the quests enabled in the config.
- Removed battery functionality from the empty crystal.
Full Changelog: 0.14.1...0.15.0
- Fixed crash when getting hit