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Learn and practice JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures through FreeCodeCamp website.

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Learn and practice JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures through FreeCodeCamp website.

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  1. FreeCodeCamp
  2. FreeCodeCamp JS algorithms and Data structures
  3. Small learning on web scraping using python-selenium: Had to install python3-selenium. Also BeautifulSoup is used.

Environment Setup: script shall be updated to latest project and run to get the project specific jupyter notebook. Thus, generated notebook will be just an outline. You shall update the project specific jupyter notebook.

The idea is to generate the project specific file using project specific jupyter notebook using the following command form:

  • jupyter nbconvert <projectName>.ipynb --to markdown --no-input --output Here --no-input flag indicates that in the generated markdown file code cells of the notebook will not be present. With this command you will get the project specific readme markdown file.
  • Run after converting the jupyter notebook to markdown file. This is needed because jupyter notebook adds color escape sequence in its output cells to highlight some keywords which get added to mark down file during conversion. So we need to remove them from generated markdown file.

Note: Using Node.js to run the scripts, since we need to run some/most of the javascript files without using them in html files

Command used will be of the format: node <scriptName>. Currently using Node.js version v18.19.0. Node.js can be obtained from


  1. Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator: pyramidGenerator
  2. Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App: gradeBookApp
  3. Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game: rolePlayingGame
  4. Learn Basic Debugging by Building a Random Background Color Changer: randomBgColorChanger
  5. Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter: calorieCounter
  6. Review DOM Manipulation by Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game: rockPaperScissor
  7. Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player: musicPlayer
  8. Certification Project (1/5):: Build a Palindrome Checker: palindromeChecker
  9. Learn the Date Object by Building a Date Formatter: dateFormatter
  10. Learn Modern JavaScript Methods by Building Football Team Cards: footballTeamCards
  11. Learn localStorage by Building a Todo App: toDoApp
  12. Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter: decimalToBinaryConverter
  13. Certification Project (2/5):: Build a Roman Numeral Converter Project: romanNumeralConverter
  14. Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Spam Filter: spamFilter
  15. Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter: numberSorter
  16. Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator: statisticsCalculator
  17. Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet: spreadsheet
  18. Certification Project (3/5):: Build a Telephone Number Validator Project: telephoneNUmberValidator
  19. Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart: shoppingCart
  20. Learn Intermediate OOP by Building a Platformer Game: platformerGame
  21. Review Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Dice Game: diceGame
  22. Certification Project (4/5):: Build a Cash Register Project: cashRegister
  23. Learn Fetch and Promises by Building an fCC Authors Page:: fccAuthorsPage
  24. Learn Asynchronous Programming by Building an fCC Forum Leaderboard: fccForumLeaderboard
  25. Certification Project (5/5):: Build a Pokémon Search App Project: pokemonSearchApp
