I'm a self-taught passionate (beginner-level) developer from India 🇮🇳 |
ಭಾರತ 🇮🇳 ಮೂಲದ ಸ್ವಯಂ-ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿರುವ ಉತ್ಸಾಹಿ ಅಭಿವರ್ಧಕನು ನಾನು 😊. |
LinkedIn: Mallikarjuna00G
FreeCodeCamp: Mallikarjuna00G
Programming languages and tools I went through atleast once and still have atleast smallest level of hope and trust that I can recall them well.
Note: In almost all of them I would rate myself 4 or 5 out of 10.
- Icons: https://devicon.dev/