Releases: MITLibraries/timdex-ui
v0.15 Usability improvements
This release includes several changes made in response to usability testing results. The most substiantial of these is the switch from OR to AND keyword searching.
We also made a few adjustments intended to enhance accessibility, based on our initial meeting with DAS. Further changes are likely to come, pending the results of their accessibility testing.
What's Changed
- Add 'clear all filters' button to filter panel by @jazairi in #161
- Make result highlight field names more human-readable by @jazairi in #163
- Improve page titles by @jazairi in #165
- Switch from Turbolinks to Turbo for progress bar by @jazairi in #168
- Add turbo:load event listener to Matomo code by @jazairi in #171
- Update site title based on stakeholder feedback by @jazairi in #172
- Fix capitalization in title by @jazairi in #173
- Add affordance to clear search terms by @jazairi in #174
- Remove additional skip links by @jazairi in #175
- Remove affordance to clear search terms by @jazairi in #177
- Refactor markup to provide more semantic meaning by @jazairi in #176
- Restructure headings by @jazairi in #178
- Gdt 309 implement and booleantype by @JPrevost in #179
- Relabel geospatial and advanced search accordion menus by @jazairi in #182
- Display search terms in summary panel by @jazairi in #180
- Relabel search highlights heading by @jazairi in #181
Full Changelog: v0.14...v0.15
v0.14 Publication information in geospatial records
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.13...v0.14
v0.13 Dump all GDT metadata in full records
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.12...v0.13
v0.12 GeoData MVP feature set
This release includes the full set of MVP features for GeoData (GDT), including geospatial search (via bounding box and distance), additional filters (including access to data files), and various visual updates and accessibility enhancements. While some of these features are specific to GDT and toggled with the :gdt
feature flag, many are general UI improvements that apply to all TIMDEX UI applications.
What's Changed
- Update pagination according to mockupos by @matt-bernhardt in #119
- Make default progress indicator more prominent by @matt-bernhardt in #122
- Update deps by @JPrevost in #124
- Rails71 app:update by @JPrevost in #125
- Update schema definition after recent API changes by @matt-bernhardt in #127
- Add toggle for filters on mobile UI by @matt-bernhardt in #123
- Expand available filters, give applications the ability to filter and order via ENV by @matt-bernhardt in #128
- Make new aggregations searchable by @jazairi in #131
- Address 'Ask Us' feedback from UXWS by @jazairi in #129
- Add place aggregation and filter by @matt-bernhardt in #132
- Implement location-based search by @jazairi in #126
- Add GDT access links by @jazairi in #130
- Update result view for GDT by @jazairi in #133
- Update record view for GDT by @jazairi in #135
- Add padding to filter toggle button by @jazairi in #136
- Enable access to files filter by @jazairi in #138
- Iterate on PR template by @jazairi in #139
- Remove border from result hover/focus by @jazairi in #143
- Revert to default font family by @jazairi in #141
- Reduce size and overlap of result titles by @jazairi in #142
- Add skip links and refactor filter sidebar for accessibility by @jazairi in #140
- Address UX feedback on location-based search form by @jazairi in #137
- Change full record skip link text by @jazairi in #145
- Adjust font size for authors element by @jazairi in #144
- Address UX feedback on GDT full record view by @jazairi in #148
- Adjust line height for record titles by @jazairi in #150
- Relabel source values for GDT by @jazairi in #146
- Address UX feedback on GDT result view by @jazairi in #147
- Move results context from filter sidebar to results container by @jazairi in #149
- Update access type values by @jazairi in #152
- Change 'Description' heading to 'Summary' for geo records by @jazairi in #153
- Render filter value names in non-GDT contexts by @jazairi in #158
- Fix bug in filter sidebar SCSS by @jazairi in #154
- Remove skips from record controller tests by @jazairi in #155
- Update dependencies and add instructions on how to confirm the app is working by @jazairi in #156
- Reorganize advanced search form for GDT by @jazairi in #151
Full Changelog: v0.11...v0.12
v0.11 Initial set of GDT UI features
This release includes several requested features for the GeoData application. Some of this apply to all TIMDEX UI apps, while others are toggled by a feature flag.
What's Changed
- Add GDT feature flag by @jazairi in #111
- Update 'no results' partial by @jazairi in #110
- Redesign filter sidebar by @jazairi in #112
- Update theme gem and document PLATFORM_NAME variable by @jazairi in #114
- Redesign local nav for GDT by @jazairi in #113
- Add 'Ask GIS' panel and reorganize SCSS by @jazairi in #115
- Add search summary panel and full filter support by @jazairi in #117
- Add site title partial by @jazairi in #118
Full Changelog: v0.10...v0.11
v0.10 Document support for geospatial search
The GIS Data Tool (GDT) team has opted to extend TIMDEX UI for geospatial data discovery. This release includes initial architectural decisions related to this use case.
What's Changed
- Document decision to use ADRs by @jazairi in #107
- Update advanced search language by @jazairi in #109
- Document initial architectural decisions related to GDT by @jazairi in #108
Full Changelog: v0.9...v0.10
v0.9 Dependency updates, including Rails
What's Changed
- Dependency updates by @matt-bernhardt in #105
- Update rails to 7.1.2; adds note to Gemfile by @matt-bernhardt in #106
Full Changelog: v0.8...v0.9
v0.8 MIT brand and dependency updates
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.7...v0.8
v0.7 Dependency and ruby updates
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.6...v0.7