Releases: MITLibraries/timdex-ui
Releases · MITLibraries/timdex-ui
v0.25 Adds crawler directives to result and record pages
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.24...v0.25
v0.24 ruby 3.2.7
v0.23 Ruby version upgrade
v0.22 Dependency updates
v0.19 Search form and mobile results view bugfixes
v0.18 Additional accessibility enhancements
v0.17 accessibility and usability tweaks
What's Changed
- Dep updates by @JPrevost in #187
- Improve accessibility of search form by @jazairi in #188
- Consolidate full record access links in sidebar by @jazairi in #189
- Implement UX feedback on access link sidebar by @jazairi in #190
- Download links target _blank and append UI marker by @JPrevost in #192
Full Changelog: v0.16...v0.17
v0.16 Toggle for fact panels
The fact panels feature is one that we implemented experimentally as part of the RDI project. It may cause some confusion in the context of GDT, so we've included in this release the ability to disable it or to enable a subset of the panels.
The other PRs in this release are further usability enhancements, primarily to the full record view, that came out of usability testing.
What's Changed
- Fix spacing for search summary panel by @jazairi in #183
- Fact panels controlled via configuration by @JPrevost in #184
- Reorganize GeoData full record based on usability test results by @jazairi in #185
- Deduplicate subject values in GDT by @jazairi in #186
Full Changelog: v0.15...v0.16