Releases: JdeRobot/RoboticsInfrastructure
Releases · JdeRobot/RoboticsInfrastructure
What's Changed
- Monaco circuit by @fernanditicus in #492
- Follow road harmonic by @javizqh in #494
- Add visualization config and robot pose by @javizqh in #493
- Adding map to restaurant by @javizqh in #468
- Add marker height in marker visual loc by @javizqh in #497
- Small universe for laser mapping exercise by @JuanFernandezEva in #500
New Contributors
- @fernanditicus made their first contribution in #492
Full Changelog: v5.5.6...v5.5.7
What's Changed
- Updating house_int2_roof_update by @JuanFernandezEva in #481
- Laser mapping universe by @JuanFernandezEva in #482
Full Changelog: v5.5.4...v5.5.5
What's Changed
- Adding restaurant world by @javizqh in #464
- Update marker visual loc by @javizqh in #469
- Fixed odometry by @dduro2020 in #470
- Fixed apriltags poses by @dduro2020 in #473
- Add angles to apriltags by @javizqh in #474
- Marker based visual loc; Simplified scene and deleted camera angle by @dduro2020 in #477
- Fix inverted markers by @javizqh in #478
- Add support for GPU acceleration in Windows (only NVIDIA validated) by @dpascualhe in #476
New Contributors
- @dduro2020 made their first contribution in #470
Full Changelog: v5.5.3...v5.5.4
What's Changed
- [Humble] Scale circuits for ackermann car models, update ackermann f1_renault_camera model. by @Amglega in #380
- Update by @javizqh in #457
- Update by @javizqh in #458
- Add AMD GPUs and broaden lspci command analysis by @dpascualhe in #463
- Raise warehouse amazon height by @javizqh in #465
- Entrypoint for bt studio by @javizqh in #466
- montecarlo visual loc by @JuanFernandezEva in #460
Full Changelog: v5.5.2...v5.5.3
What's Changed
- Adding server parameter to entrypoint by @javizqh in #453
- Adding 360 lidar model and world for autoparking by @JuanFernandezEva in #452
- Change camera rotation in vacuum cleaner world by @javizqh in #454
- Rename universes by @javizqh in #455
- Add docs by @javizqh in #456
New Contributors
- @JuanFernandezEva made their first contribution in #452
Full Changelog: v5.5.1...v5.5.2
What's Changed
- Add set_dri_name and call from entrypoint if no DRI_NAME is provided by @dpascualhe in #442
New Contributors
- @dpascualhe made their first contribution in #442
Full Changelog: v5.4.2...v5.4.3