This is MERN stack job search website, a complete solution for job seekers and employers. With a user-friendly front-end design, made with React-Chakra UI and state is efficiently managed through Redux store. And Backend is features advanced backend technology with MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and Mongoose, ensuring seamless data storage and API operations and with this advanced security measures implemented in the backend. Using JWT and password hashing with Node.js and Express.js, sensitive user data is protected.
Job seekers can easily search and filter job listings based on role and city on the user job search page. Employers have the ability to post, edit, and delete job listings through the exclusive admin dashboard.
Job seekers can view, apply, edit, and delete their job applications on the "Applied Jobs" page. With the added ability to search and filter job listings, our website offers a convenient and efficient solution for all your job search needs.
π―## Project is live at π
π― Features
- Responsive Laniding Page.
- Login/Signup page.
- JobSearch page which displays all the job posted by admin.
- User can apply job and it will add to apllied job page.
- User can able to edit, delete the job which are applied
- Admin dashboard used to post the new job
- Job Search Functionlity
- Created the Api for jobPosting,Jobgeting
- Implemented JWT for authentication and authorization.
1) react
2) react-dom
3) react-scripts
4) styled-components
5) react-router-dom
6) react-icons
7) Chakra-UI
8) react-multi-carousel
9) react-countdown
10) axios
11) redux, redux thunk, react-redux
1) express
2) cors
3) dotenv
4) mongoose
5) nodemon
1) navigate to Frontend directory
2) use node version 16 or 18.12.1 is recommended
3) run command npm install or npm i --legacy-peer-deps it will install all the required Dependencies with no errors.
(make sure you are confirming url of server)
npm start /*or*/ npm run start
npm run build
1) navigate to Backend directory
2) use node version 16 or 18.12.1 is recommended
3) run command npm install or npm i --legacy-peer-deps
npm start
npm run dev
in .env file provide MONGODB_URL with proper credentials
if MONGODB_URL not declared in .env, by default it will connect to local data base
in case not working try changing MONGODB_URL by creating your own in MongoDB Atlas server