- 👋 I'm creative, expressive, Passionate Full-Stack Web developer with hands-on experience in developing and cloning scalable websites using a wide range of front-end and back-end skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs, Express, MongoDb. Looking to further enhance the latest versions of React, Node, HTML, CSS and JS skills as a future Full-Stack developer.
- 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects
- 💻 I aspire to work as a Full-Stack Developer..
👨💻 Currently looking for opportunities as a MERN Stack developer to help me learn and grow as a web developer.
💬 Ask me about ReactJS, NodeJS, Redux, JWT, JS, CSS ,HTML.
💻 Most used line of code
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
🔭 I’m currently working on Clone of FlipKart Website
✔️ All of my projects are available at My Portfolio
✔️ My details and work experience are available at My Resume
💬 You can reach me through gowthamtceian@gmail.com || LinkedIn