Releases: C3La-NS/ChatX
ChatX 2.5.1
ChatX 2.5.0
Stable version with dozens updates
ChatX 2.4.0
Full Vanilla JS source code, JWT login system and preset CSS templates.
The biggest and most stable update.
ChtaX 2.3.1
The greatest update to date with hundreds of improvements and fixes.
For more, see changelog in readme.
ChatX 2.2.0
А magnificent version which brings tons of improvements and fixes as well as new notification system.
This update includes:
Notification for the new messages when widget is minimized;
Audio notifications for the new messages when user is logged in;
Highlighted messages of its owner;
Easier style customization with CSS vars;
Bug fixes.
ChatX 2.1.0
Important bug fixes and new custom nick-name styling capabilities.
ChatX 2.0.0
New messages at the bottom
Thumbnails for jpg and jpeg images
Updated UI when uploading images from external URLs
All images are hosted on
ChatX 1.9.0
Revamped moderation page inc. new chat settings and re-conceptualized way of managing chat messages.
ChatX 1.8.0
MyBB integration
Chat history
New settings options
Stability & performance improvements
Bug fixes
ChatX 1.7.1
Bug fixes