Releases: C3La-NS/ChatX
ChatX 1.7.0 Universal
It took us one year minus one day to release a new version of ChatX but it is certainly huge.
ChatX became better in every particular way.
From now on the script supports custom language packs, therefore we tag this version as "Universal". Russian and English languages are added by default.
ChatX 1.6.0 ENG
Major update that is concerned with security improvements.
Also, moderation panel functionality extended. New setups.php page permits customizing ChatX settings as easy as never before.
The update includes general improvements as well.
ChatX 1.5.1 ENG
The biggest update to ChatX ever. In includes:
a better way of loading CSS
Interface translation simplified
UI improvements
Moderation page
Updated icon while uploading image
Fixed when image was uploaded but not sent due to the empty name field
script.js --> core.js
Updated widget (simpler installation)
Beta Authentification (login & sign up)
Public & Private mode
New Settings.php file with easily customizable ChatX settings
Logged In users have a verification icon
Usergroups: users and moderators.
Updated Flywheel library (more developed database in perspective)
ChatX 1.4.0 ENG
A new version of ChatX. 1.4.0 brings minified chat mode, new scrollbar, fast-track pulsing indicator and some bugfixes and improvements.
A really good version, try it out 👍
ChatX 1.3.0 ENG
Great update with tons of improvements and fixes.
This release introduces new features: formatting tags (BB-tags), image uploading system, separate CSS file for an easily customizable colour scheme.
ChatX 1.2.0 ENG
So, despite its version, 1.2.0 is our first stable public release. A lot has been done. Also, we are glad to introduce the English language. Hope you will enjoy ChatX.