- Put %x behind a rule
- x is a double with "." as decimal point (always type a decimal point)
- If you don't use %x, then the probability of this rule is automatically 100%
- The percentages get added in order
What if the sum is under 100:
- The resting percentage get filled with a "do not replace" rule
- Eg: Rules: F -> "F+F" %50, G->"F-(F+F)" | Now there is a 50% chance F->"F"
What if the sum is above 100:
- This wil not cause an error, it will only result in unexpected outcomes
- Eg: Rules: F -> "F+F" %70, F->"F-F" %50 | The chance for "F-F" is actually 30% not 50%
- Eg: Rules: F -> "F+F" %10, F->"F-F" | The chance fo "F-F" is actually 90%
- Eg: Rules: F-> "F+F", F->"F-F" %70 | The chance for "F-F" is actually 0% not 70%
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createLineDrawing(const ini::Section &objsec);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createTetrahedron();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createCube();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createIcosahedron();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createDodecahedron();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createOctahedron();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createCylinder(const int &n, const double &h);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createCone(const int &n, const double &h);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createSphere(const int &n);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createTorus(const double &r, const double &R, const int &n, const int &m);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::loadObj(const std::string &filename);
- Loads in an object from any .obj file compatible with the obj Parser (examples provided in exampleFiles Folder)
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalCube(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalDodecahedron(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalIcosahedron(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalOctahedron(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalTetrahedron(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createBuckyBall();
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createFractalBuckyBall(const double &fractalScale, const int &nrIterations);
- Object3D::Object3DFactory::createMenger(const int &nrIterations);
This light only has a pointing direction.
This light onlyl has a location.
It could be a spotlight, if the spotangle != -1.
GitHub @ArneDePeuter · Mail arne.depeuter@uantwerpen.be