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Project Meeting 2020.12.15
Ben Stabler edited this page Dec 29, 2020
3 revisions
- Talk with BYU Professor Greg Macfarlane about his experience with ActivitySim
- Using asim for an UDOT research project on potential TNC partnership with UDOT for wheelchair accessible travel
- How many TNC cars needed?
- Using popsim and matsim too
- Using skims from WFRC regional model
- Added wheelchair/disability status to synthetic population from PUMS and NHTS data
- Would appreciate more stable versioning / releases
- Would appreciate more documentation and access to helper resources / scripts / etc.
- Would appreciate better release notes
- Dealing with the skims was an issue, especially non-consecutive zone ids
- Model is 2.5 mi people and runs in a few hours
- Need better documentation on chunking
- Would appreciate more advice on setting up for your problem - population size, computing resources, etc.
- Increase uniformity - make a system that can more easily be transferred
- Create other template scenarios for more typical regions than San Francisco
- For example a Sioux falls model like for traffic assignment
- A region more like most MPOs - i.e. just one bus service mode (i.e. no premium/rail service)
- 15 MPOs have rail, 300 don't?
- Most ABM users are big agencies currently
- Cities like Roanoke, Asheville, Logan could all use this model
- Need to focus more on documentation - inputs, configs, tutorials, etc.
- Asim is wonderful compared to previous ABM software
- Software implementation is really good
- Add a popsim national/generic/Census example that works out-of-the-box for region
- Doppelganger has this
- Oregon could be a good place to develop the simpler example
- Now working on beam setup (beam is SF improved version of matsim)
- asim does initial plans and beam replans
- Update from Clint on ARC
- Rebased ARC to multizone branch to get latest develop code
- Will PR trip scheduling choice, trip departure choice, and trip parking location choice submodels
- Now running full ARC example
- Hanging on reading skims and so Clint to talk with Doyle
- The memory footprint is now a lot smaller
- Should be using new dynamic chunking
- Jeff explained rowsize - how many columns for the row
- Jeff wants to do more dynamic chunking improvements under the performance tuning task next time
- Update from Jeff on adding estimation mode to the trip models
- Stop frequency submodel now updated
- Working on trip destination now
- Trip purpose is a lookup table of probabilities and so there's no estimation
- Trip scheduling is a lookup table of probabilities and so there's no estimation
- Will work on trip mode choice next week
- Moved to new branch - estimation
- Newman work on cdap and nmtf updates next week
- Update from me on the Marin TM2 work tour mode choice verification
- Just about have all the expressions coded and debugged
- Something not right still with drive transit that I'm investigating
- Update from Stefan on PSRC testing
- Ran into a memory issue trying parcel to parcel aggregate accessibilities and so switching to maz to maz
- The TM1 aggregate accessibilities calculator was TAZ level and we don't have a TM2 40k mazs test example, but Marin works ok
- DaySim doesn't do aggregate accessibility calculations since users use a separate tool or script
- Stefan to work on this a bit more and talk with us as needed