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Project Meeting 2020.10.22

Ben Stabler edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 14 revisions

5b/6a Task 1 Project Management (milestone)

  • Nothing to discuss

5b Task 2 Strategic Planning (milestone)

  • Partners discussing this afternoon

5b Task 10 Support for Three Zone Systems and TVPB (milestone)

  • Nothing new since Tuesday since Jeff back to work today
  • Discussed some Marin MAZ, TAP stats added to the Tuesday call notes
  • We need to talk more with Jeff and Joel about the approach
  • There's some concern about inefficiencies in the approach and maybe we should revise the design a bit
  • We want a TVPB that considers various tradeoffs
    • behaviorally strong
    • built with good technology
    • manageable
    • affordable
    • makes use of data agencies can produce
    • etc.
  • SANDAG has about 60 taps per maz as well
  • But not all maz-tap pairs are fully evaluated because some taps further away and have duplicate service, some tap-tap pairs have no in-vehicle time, etc.
  • We pre-compute the path components and then pick N best paths for omaz, dmaz, tod, demographic segment
  • It's important the user builds a reasonable maz-tap network or otherwise there are major performance issues
  • Need to sharpen up our focus, describe tradeoffs, unknowns, etc. We're spending a lot on this task and we need to make sure we have a good plan.
  • So let's pause for a sec and discuss the design some more
  • Another feature we could add is label taps by mode, sort by distance, and then make sure we get at least one tap for each mode up to a max distance
  • With new technology like e-bikes, max transit access distances get even longer so more paths considered
  • Next steps, let's get some documentation on TVPB, pros/cons, design considerations, how geography is defined, challenges (data, runtimes, etc.)
  • Assignment algorithms are getting better and better, can we just use them instead?
  • TVPB has lots of good features - builds path sets with more line-haul modes, solves issues with transit access connector issues in network assignment, more sensitive to policy issues, etc.
  • Do we have some proof of the benefits? Maybe a study with and without TVPB?
  • Bill, Wu, Joel, Jeff, me collect some info to discuss Tusday

6a Task 2 Complete Estimation Mode (milestone)

  • Newman started, and plans for a basic demo next week
  • It's more difficult to interpret the EDB for CDAP and may have some questions for Doyle

6a Task 3 Telecommute Model in Cooperation with SEMCOG (milestone)

  • Joel started on the design based on what was done for SANDAG
  • Mobility model that predicts days per week typically telecommute
  • Based on SEMCOG's 2018 data
  • Still need to work on considerations related to telecommuting under COVID
  • Plans to talk with Jilan next week and then the ActivitySim team the week after

6a Task 8 Maintenance and Support (milestone)

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