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Project Meeting 2020.03.13

Ben Stabler edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 26 revisions

Task 2 Strategic Planning (milestone)

  • We need to develop the outline for the strategic plan, @Ben to start
  • We discussed a multiple models management system (MMMS) as a possible technical component of the plan
    • Do partners need to stay up-to-date and inline with the software, and if not, does it hold up releasing updates?
    • Do partner models need some sort of certification? Could be a lot of work to take care of this thing?
    • PSRC has found the DaySim test system helpful for improving confidence in updating to new releases
    • One of the key things that is different about activitysim when compared to most ABM software is the management of a comprehensive set of tests to ensure software integrity (rather than just running the regional AB model to test revisions)
    • Will add MMMS to the Phase 6 wish list

Task 5 TNCs (milestone)

  • Verification summaries by mode, zone, and time-of-day posted
  • Around 1% mode share and in the right locations. Shared TNC overly attractive as a trip mode and not enough share of PM peak trips.
  • Rename MAAS to RideHail
  • Will now integrate adding TNCs into tutorial and create PR
  • We can revisit goodness-of-fit once we have observed data summaries

Task 9 Estimation Mode (milestone)

  • @Jeff making good progress separating coefficients from data and writing out EDB
  • Both tour mode choice and school location choice being cleaned up
  • @SFCTA share their current experiences with DaySim
    • DaySim estimation mode works well
    • prepares ALOGIT data files and specs
    • assumes fixed model structure
    • numbered coefficients can be tricky to keep track of
    • SFCTA will help us with testing
    • adding additional variables is difficult since the input file formats for DaySim are difficult to change
    • it is good to have a decoupled system so little revisions can be made in estimation as needed
  • @PSRC share their current experiences with DaySim
    • working on Python script to reformat 2019-2020 survey into DaySim format
    • plan to eventually modify it to work with activitysim
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